
Category – Invoices

8 min read

[wcj_custom_doc_date] #


This shortcode displays the creation date for the custom document using the Booster for WooCommerce Plugin bundle. In general, such documents can be created using the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin among various Booster plugins.

Note: It works the same as [wcj_invoice_date invoice_type=”custom_doc”].


  • order_id: Order ID’s integer value. By default, it takes the ID of the current order.
  • date_format: You may specify any date format, accepted in the PHP Date function. By default, the shortcode takes the date format configured in your site’s WP settings.
  • days: It adds or subtracts days from the custom document date. Takes positive and negative values.
  • before: Takes shortcode output’s prefix text/HTML.
  • after: Takes shortcode output’s postfix text/HTML.
  • visibility: Control output’s visibility for various user roles through it.
  • site_visibility: Control output’s visibility for various page types through it.
  • Common args for All Shortcodes and Orders Shortcodes from this page.

Possible Usage

  • Use it in the Invoice template while specifying the details of the custom document(s) created with a particular order.
  • Use it with the attribute days to calculate invoice due date, order placement date, or similar information for an order.


  • Print Custom document’s date

Custom Doc Date: [wcj_custom_doc_date]

  • Add or Subtract Days from a Custom Doc’s Date to Calculate Invoice Due Date

Invoice Due Date: [wcj_custom_doc_date days=”7″]

[wcj_custom_doc_number]  #


The [wcj_custom_doc_number] shortcode displays the Custom Document Number of the current custom doc or any custom doc by the order ID. This shortcode can be used on any page with order_id, or on any page/invoice that receives the current order_id after an order is placed.



Though no compulsory attributes, you may use any of these attributes with the [wcj_custom_doc_number] shortcode:

  • order_id: Order ID’s integer value. By default, it takes the ID of the current order.
  • doc_nr: To assign a custom document number to a custom doc.
  • Common All Shortcodes and Orders Shortcodes attributes, as enlisted on this page.

Possible Usage

  • To display or add a customer document’s number on any page or in any invoice.


[wcj_custom_doc_number order_id=”1593”]



If you have issued a credit note for a particular order, you can use this shortcode to display its creation date – either by order_id or for the current order ID (if not blank). It works for the notes/orders when the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin by Booster is used to create credit notes.

Notes: Works in a similar manner as [wcj_invoice_date invoice_type=”credit_note”].


  • order_id: Integer Order ID that is related to the credit note.
  • date_format: The date format to be used (Must be according to the PHP Date function). 
  • days: Add or delete days by specifying a value for this attribute.
  • Args from the All or Orders Shortcodes on the Common Shortcode Attributes page.

Possible Usage

  • When you want to send an updated invoice after sending a credit note to your customer, you may specify the credit note date in it.
  • You may specify the approximate date of credit in the credit note document using the days attribute in it.


Probable Credit Date: [wcj_credit_note_date days=”7″]

[wcj_credit_note_number] #


If you are creating credit notes using the Booster – PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin or have created a few before, the [wcj_credit_note_number] can be used to display the document number for them. It works the same as [wcj_invoice_number invoice_type=`credit_note`].


Optionally, you may use the following arguments/attributes with the credit note number shortcode: 

  • order_id: The order ID (integer), for which, you want to display the credit note number.
  • All the Orders Shortcodes and common (All Shortcodes) attributes from this page.

Possible Usage

  • In the credit note template;
  • In updated invoices being created after credit note generation.


[wcj_proforma_invoice_number] #


It displays the proforma invoice number, in the scenario where the proforma invoice is being created using the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin. It is a shorter version of [wcj_invoice_number invoice_type=”proforma_invoice”] shortcode.


The args accepted with this shortcode are:

Possible Usage

  • In the proforma invoice template
  • In the packing slip template
  • In the main invoice template

Example Usage

[wcj_packing_slip_number] #


Use the [wcj_packing_slip_number] shortcode to print the packing slip number for the current order or by order ID.

This shortcode can be used instead of [wcj_invoice_number invoice_type=”packing_slip”] when you need to apply more attributes to it (or when you want to type less). It works for the packing slips being generated using the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin.


The optional attributes that you can use with the [wcj_packing_slip_number] shortcode are:

  • order_id: To display the packing slip number by order ID
  • Use any Common attributes from the sections All Shortcodes and Orders Shortcodes to control the visibility or output of the shortcode in various ways.

Possible Usage

  • In the packing slip template or other types of invoice invoices


[wcj_packing_slip_number before=`Packing Slip Number`]

[wcj_invoice_number] #


This shortcode displays the WooCommerce order invoice number using the current order ID or the order ID passed as an argument to it. For this, you must have been using the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin


  • order_id – The integer ID that is used for distinguishing orders in WooCommerce.
  • before – To add some text before the shortcode’s output.
  • after – To add some text after the shortcode’s output.
  • visibility – To limit the output’s visibility by user role. Its value could be `all`, `admin`, etc.
  • location – To hide or show the shortcode by viewer’s location. Use 2-letter country codes as input.
  • site_visibility – To limit the output’s visibility by page type. Accepted values are `single`, `page`, and `archive`.
  • wpml_language – To show the output for one or a few WPML languages.
  • not_wpml_language – To hide the output for one or a few WPML languages.
  • billing_country – To show the output for one or a few billing countries.
  • not_billing_country – To hide the output for one or a few billing countries.
  • payment_method – To show the output for one or a few payment methods.
  • not_payment_method – To hide the output for one or a few payment methods.

Possible Usage

  • Display the invoice number in the invoice template output.
  • One can use different invoice number formats for different countries and user types with it.


Let’s say you run an online that works in India and Australia. If you will use these 2 lines, the invoice numbers for these 2 countries will be different.

[wcj_invoice_number before=`Invoice Number: IN` location=`IN`]

[wcj_invoice_number before=`Invoice Number: AUS` location=`AU`]

If the invoice number is 452, the output will be:

  • For India – Invoice Number: IN452
  • For Australia – Invoice Number: AUS452

[wcj_packing_slip_date] #


Packing Slip is an important label on the shipped products that provides your buyers the information about what’s packed and so on. So, you must want to add the date of this slips creation on the packing slip itself, and for the order tracking process. Do it using the [wcj_packing_slip_date] shortcode.

If you are generating packing slips using the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin by Booster, this shortcode will display the packing slip date for the current order. To print the packing slip date for a particular order, use the attribute order_id with it.

Notes: Functionality-wise, it is same as [wcj_invoice_date invoice_type=`packing_slip`].


  • order_id: To display the packing slip date by the order ID.
  • date_format: To specify a format for displaying the date. Should be in accordance with the PHP Date function.
  • days: Adds/subtracts days from the packing slip date. Can have a positive or negative value.
  • Common Shortcode Attributes from All or Orders Shortcodes sections.

Possible Usage

  • Use it in the templates for invoices, packing slips, custom documents, and proforma.
  • Use it with the days attribute to print the approximate order date, shipment date, date of arrival at the buyer’s end, etc.


Date of Order Placement: [wcj_packing_slip_date days=”-1″]

Date of Packing Slip Printing: [wcj_packing_slip_date]

Date of Packing Slip Printing: [wcj_packing_slip_date days=”3″]

[wcj_proforma_invoice_date] #


If you generate a proforma invoice before sending an actual invoice to your customer due to the nature of your eCommerce business, you know the importance of adding the date to the pro forma already. That’s why the people using the Booster – PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin can use the [wcj_proforma_invoice_date] shortcode. 

This shortcode will let you display the proforma invoice creation date. As per your requirement, you may use it in your proforma invoice template easily.

Notes: Functionality-wise, it is same as [wcj_invoice_date invoice_type=`packing_slip`].


  • order_id: To fetch the proforma date by the order ID.
  • date_format: It must be a valid value for the PHP Date function.
  • days: To add (using a positive value) or subtract (using a negative value) days from the proforma date.
  • You may also use the Common Shortcode Attributes, written in the All Shortcodes and Orders Shortcodes. Using these, you will be able to control the visibility (by user role, location, page type, or WPML language) of the proforma creation date and do various other things.

Possible Usage

  • In displaying the order proforma creation date in the template.
  • In invoices, to re-iterate the proforma creation date.
  • In other types of invoice templates as per business’s custom needs.


[wcj_proforma_invoice_date before=`Proforma Invoice Date`]

[wcj_invoice_date] #


This shortcode displays the date when an invoice was created. You may check the invoice date for the current order ID, or by order ID for a particular order. Please keep in mind that this shortcode will only print the date for the order IDs when their invoice is being or was created, using the PDF Invoicing & Packing Slips Plugin.


  • order_id – An order ID
  • invoice_type – You may specify the type of invoice as `invoice`, `proforma_invoice`, `credit_note`, or `packing_slip`.
  • date_format – Applies the date format to the output. Use any value accepted for the PHP date function.
  • days – Adds days in the date when its value is positive and subtracts days from the date if its value is negative.
  • Common Booster attributes from the sections All Shortcodes or Orders Shortcodes.

Possible Usage

  • Use it in invoice templates;
  • Use it in custom documents.


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