
Custom Order Numbers For WooCommerce plugin

6 min read

Overview #

Order numbers on WordPress are not sequential because every item in the database (orders, posts, images, and pages) is assigned a unique, auto-incremented post ID. Want to assign a sequential order to your products?

Do that using the WooCommerce Order Numbers plugin.

It allows you to customize the order numbers of your WooCommerce site. The plugin enables sorting in a sequential order, numbering by Order ID, or numbering in a pseudorandom way. You can also delete and edit order numbers easily through it.

The Order Numbers plugin works equally well for new and existing stores. It allows you to use a custom prefix and suffix for all your order numbers, use order date as a prefix, set order number width, enable order tracking by custom numbers, enable search by custom numbers, and enable order number editing.

To keep the existing numbers of the orders when migrating to a new site, start by downloading the Sequential Order Numbers Pro plugin on the old site (A) before exporting the orders onto the new site (B).

Enabling Order Numbers for your WooCommerce Store #

To enable and use the Order Numbers plugin, you should first download and install Booster for WooCommerce.

  1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Booster > Plugins and go to the category SHIPPING & ORDERS.
  2. Scroll down to the Order Numbers plugin in this list.
  3. Select Enable for this plugin.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.

The WooCommerce Order Numbers plugin will be enabled for your site.

Configuring Order Numbers for WooCommerce #

Order Numbers #

You can enable or disable sequential order numbers, set a custom starting number for the next order, set custom prefix and suffix for order numbers, add order date as a prefix/suffix to order numbers, set order number width, and enable or disable MySQL transaction using the options in the Order Numbers tab.

  • To begin, select your method for Number Generation using the dropdown.

The available options are:


  • Sequential – Order numbers are generated in a sequence, starting with the values entered for Sequential: Next Order Number
  • Order ID – Order numbers are generated based on Order ID
  • Pseudorandom – Hash (max 10 digits) – Order numbers are generated based on an algorithm that generates sequences of random numbers.


  • If your selection for the previous option is Sequential, set the Sequential: Next Order Number for your WooCommerce store using the next field. This number will be assigned to the next new order. (To generate numbers for existing orders, use the Renumerate Orders )

  • Sequential: Reset Counter is the frequency at which the sequential order number generation will be reset. You can set it to daily, monthly, or yearly – or, choose to disable it.

    This field will be ignored if sequential order numbering is disabled.
  • Next, you can set details like order number width, custom prefix, custom suffix, date prefix, and date suffix for your store. [Check the table (below) for more details]

  • Enable or disable various settings for the order numbers plugin. [Check the table (below) for more details]

  • Set a Minimal Order ID [Check the table (below) for more details].

  • Save changes.





Order Number Custom Prefix

Value that will be prefixed to all order numbers. This value will be prefixed to all existing order numbers.

Order Number Date Prefix

Format of the order date that will be prefixed to the order numbers. This value will be prefixed to all existing order numbers. This value will be passed directly to the PHP `date` function, so most PHP date formats can be used. The only exception is using `\` symbol in date format, as this symbol will be excluded from the date. You can use formats such as Y-m-d- or mdy.

Order Number Width

Minimum width of the order number without prefix.  Zeros will be added to the left of the order number if its length is less than the set minimum. This will change the minimum width of all existing order number numbers.

Order Number Custom Suffix

Value that will be suffixed to all order numbers. This value will be suffixed to all existing order numbers.

Order Number Date Suffix

Format of the order date that will be suffixed to the order numbers. This value will be suffixed to all existing order numbers. This value will be passed directly to PHP `date` function, so most of PHP date formats can be used. The only exception is using `\` symbol in date format, as this symbol will be excluded from date. You can use formats such as Y-m-d- or mdy.

Use MySQL Transaction

Specifies if MySQL Transaction is used for order number generation. Enable this option if you receive a lot of simultaneous orders, on your WooCommerce store, to prevent duplicate order numbers (sequential) from being generated.

Enable Order Tracking by Custom Number

Specifies if orders can be tracked using the custom order numbers

Enable Order Admin Search by Custom Number

Specifies if orders can be searched by the Admin using the custom order numbers

Enable Editable Order Number Meta Box

Specifies if order number meta boxes are editable

Minimal Order ID

Order ID that will be assigned to the next new order. If you wish to disable order numbering for existing orders, you can set the order ID to start here. Set to zero to enable numbering for all orders.

Compatibility #

If you want to add compatibility with WPNotif: WordPress SMS & WhatsApp Notifications plugin fixing the {{wc-tracking-link}} variable, then check the box for the WPNotif field.

Renumerate Tool #

In the Renumerate Tool tab, select the basis on which the order numbers can be sorted from the Sory by dropdown list.

  1. Select the basis of sorting. Your options are ID, DateLast Modified Date, and Random.
  2. Select the order in which the order numbers can be sorted from the Sort Ascending or Descending dropdown list.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Now, before you use the Module Tool Orders Renumerate, make sure that the Order Numbers plugin is enabled.

  1. Click the Orders Renumerate link for the Module Tools option. Alternatively, you can go to Booster > Booster Tools > Orders Renumerate tab.
  2. Click the Renumerate orders button.

All the existing orders starting from order counter settings in the Order Numbers plugin will be renumerated.

Frontend Example #

Let’s say our shop has orders from 1 to 184 (previously remunerated using the Order Numbers plugin).

However, as our shop sold 300 items for this month in an offline sale, we would like to start remuneration from 300.

So, let’s select the Number Generation method as Sequential and set Order Numbers > Sequential: Next Order Number to 300.

Finally, click Renumerate Orders in Booster > Booster Tools > Orders Renumerate tab.

And your orders will be remunerated

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