- [wcj_button_toggle_tax_display]
- [wcj_customer_meta]
- [wcj_customer_shipping_country]
- [wcj_customer_billing_country]
- [wcj_site_url]
- [wcj_current_datetime]
- [wcj_current_time]
- [wcj_current_timestamp]
- [wcj_wholesale_price_table]
- [wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping]
- [wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list]
- [wcj_currency_select_radio_list]
- [wcj_currency_select_link_list]
- [wcj_current_date]
- [wcj_text]
- [wcj_tcpdf_pagebreak]
- [wcj_input_field]
- [wcj_wpml_translate]
- [wcj_country_select_drop_down_list]
- [wcj_wpml]
[wcj_button_toggle_tax_display] #
This shortcode will display a Tax amount Toggle button on your pages, implying that your Tax toggle button’s action will change with clicks, alternatively.
- Click the Tax Toggle (incl.) button to view the product price inclusive of taxes.
- Click the Tax Toggle (excl.) button to view the product price exclusive of taxes.
Please note that this button works for single and archive product pages exclusively because after adding a product to the cart, the applied amount must be shown.
Prerequisite: You must configure the Tax Display plugin from the Booster Bundle. It’s because the Tax Toggle (incl.) and Tax Toggle (excl.) buttons work as per the Booster WooCommerce Tax Display settings.
Use the following shortcode attributes as per your requirements:
- class: To apply HTML class(s) to the shortcode output;
- style: To apply custom HTML style to your shortcode’s output;
- label_incl: To add a tax toggle button with the label Tax Toggle (incl.)
- label_excl: To add a tax toggle button with label Tax Toggle (excl.)
Common attributes that work with this shortcode are:
- before: To append a prefix;
- after: To append a suffix;
- visibility: To show it to one or more user roles;
- location: To show it to people from certain locations;
- site_visibility: To enable it for single, page, and/or archive page types;
- wpml_language: To show it when one or a few WPML languages are being used.
- not_wpml_language: To hide it when one or a few WPML languages are being used.
[wcj_customer_meta] #
Using the shortcode [wcj_customer_meta], you may add any of the following keys, to display the variable information on your shop or non-shop pages easily –
description first_name last_name nickname billing_email billing_postcode billing_phone billing_city | billing_first_name billing_last_name billing_country billing_eu_vat_number billing_state billing_address_1 billing_address_2 shipping_address_1 | shipping_first_name shipping_last_name shipping_state shipping_city shipping_country shipping_method shipping_postcode shipping_address_2 |
Use any common attributes or the “Key” attribute with [wcj_customer_meta] shortcode.
Note: It is essential to use the Key attribute with this shortcode, while the value of the key is any of the above cart attributes.
Possible Usage
- Show any customer meta information in your shop.
- Deliver personalized experience by displaying customer’s credentials on different pages.
Example Input
To greet the customer by name – above checkout details:
[wcj_customer_meta key=”first_name” before=”Hi, ” after=”!”]
To display buyer’s billing country code:
[wcj_customer_meta key=”billing_country” before=”YOUR BILLING COUNTRY’s CODE IS: “]
[wcj_customer_shipping_country] #
This shortcode enables you to display the shipping country’s name or 2-character code on the single product pages, checkout page, cart details page, and other pages on your website.
- Booster Attributes > All Plugins
- full_country_name – To specify if to show complete name of the country or just the country code.
Possible Usage
- To display the shipping country before checkout;
- To show shipping on Account pages or product pages;
Input Example:
To show the name of buyer’s shipping country:
[wcj_customer_shipping_country before=”Shipping country code: “]
[wcj_customer_shipping_country before=”Shipping country code: ” full_country_name=”yes”]
To show buyer’s shipping country’s code:
[wcj_customer_shipping_country before=”Shipping country code: ” full_country_name=”no”]
[wcj_customer_billing_country] #
Show the billing country of the customer on any shop or non-shop page as want. This shortcode works for all pages throughout your WordPress configuration. The output will either be the billing country’s name or the 2-character country code.
- Booster Attributes (All Plugins)
- full_country_name – Value is yes (shows the complete name of the country) or no ( shows the country code).
Possible Usage
- Specify the billing country in a highlighted manner so that buyers could view and correct it if there is an issue with details;
- As many products are sold in certain regions, showing the billing country details and restricted areas can clarify why the add to cart button is disabled on a particular product page.
Input Example:
In case you want to display billing country’s name:
[wcj_customer_billing_country before=”Billing country code: “]
[wcj_customer_billing_country before=”Billing country code: ” full_country_name=”yes”]
In case you want to display billing country’s code only:
[wcj_customer_billing_country before=”Billing country code: ” full_country_name=”no”]
[wcj_site_url] #
You will be able to fetch the main URL of your website and display it by using this shortcode.
Common attributes, that work for All Booster Plugins, work for this shortcode too.
Possible Usage
- Specify your home page URL anywhere throughout your shop;
- Append any page’s slug using the After attribute to create another page’s URL.
Input and Output example:
[wcj_current_datetime] #
Show the current date and time to your buyers on any page using this shortcode.
The [wcj_current_datetime] shortcode is useful when you have buyers from multiple places and they want to see what is the current date-time in the shop. And if they keep changing shipping addresses in their store, this value could act as a reminder before they order a product for the wrong shipping address.
- You may use any of the Common attributes, e.g. before and after with this shortcode.
- Use the attribute datetime_format to specify the date and time format.
Hint – For the datetime_format=”Y/m/d h-m”, a value could be 2022/03/21 10-03.
Possible Usage
- Show the store’s current date and time in your shop to improve the buying experience for all.
Input and Output example:
[wcj_current_time] #
Display the current time to your buyers wherever you want. If your shop has time-restricted add-to-cart functionality or 24-hours shipping time facilities, you may use this shortcode’s output more creatively too (see example below).
- Use the attributes before to add a prefix to the time.
- Use the attributes after to add a postfix to the time.
- Use any common Booster Attribute.
- Use the attribute datetime_format to specify the date and time format.
Possible Usage
- To display the current time in the shop;
- To specify the estimated maximum time when a 24-hours delivery will arrive at customers’ door.
Input and Output example:
[wcj_current_timestamp] #
If you want to display the current timestamp on any WordPress or WooCommerce page, use the shortcode [wcj_current_timestamp].
You may use any common Booster Attribute with this shortcode. The most commonly used ones are before and after.
Possible Usage
- To display the timestamp to your buyers. You may append another unique value to it and create unique purchase attributes, e.g., receipt number, purchase ID, and so on while invoicing or logging.
- Developers can take this timestamp as input for further calculation, e.g. finding out the date and time when the order was placed.
Input and Output example:
[wcj_wholesale_price_table] #
This shortcode displays the multi-level wholesale pricing of your shop.
With it, you may show the global discount details, set using the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin – Booster, on any of your website pages. So, if you offer bulk purchase discounts to your B2B or B2C buyers, the [wcj_wholesale_price_table] shortcode can help you out in multiple ways.
Note: Refer [wcj_product_wholesale_price_table] if you want to display product-specific wholesale pricing on your single product pages.
Here is a list of attributes that work with the [wcj_wholesale_price_table] shortcode besides the common args:
- heading_format: To customize the wholesale price table heading format, you may use the variables `%level_min_qty%` and `%level_max_qty%` while defining the new value for this attribute.
- before_level_max_qty: If you want to change the prefix of the max quantity value, use this attribute. Its default value is `-`.
- last_level_max_qty: To change the last level quantity suffix, use this data. To keep it `+`, you need not specify it while using the shortcode.
- table_format: Use this attribute to change the orientation of your table to `vertical` or `horizontal`. By default, the global wholesale pricing table is displayed horizontally.
- hide_if_zero_quantity: Set its value as `yes` to hide the quantities, with their quantity as “ZERO”, from the list.
There are more customization options related to the global wholesale pricing table, accessible through the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin settings. For example, you can enable this table for all product pages at once, or include/exclude products from this setting.
Possible Usage
- You may create a dedicated web page for your wholesale buyers, displaying the wholesale pricing table for quick details.
- Show this table on your order details or checkout pages to help buyers understand your wholesale pricing model.
- Display the table on your shop’s product pages as you prefer.
Details in plugin Settings:
Input: [wcj_wholesale_price_table]
Input: [wcj_wholesale_price_table table_format=”vertical”]
[wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping] #
Use this shortcode when you want to display the total amount needed to avail free shipping for the buyers in your store. It is a good method to encourage people to spend more, in exchange of the free shipping facility.
The output of the [wcj_get_left_to_free_shipping] shortcode will be in the following format:
“<balance amount> left to free shipping”
Add any of the common Booster attributes as you prefer.
Possible Usage
- Display it on the cart or checkout page to encourage more purchases.
- Show it on various shop pages to make buyers aware of your free shipping campaign.
Your store must have a free shipping method configured.
Input Example
[wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list] #
The [wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list] displays the currencies, enabled for the store, in the form of a select dropdown list. It allows e-commerce business owners to let their customers change the store currency as per their payment preference and location.
You may use any common Booster attribute with this shortcode, optionally.
To use this shortcode, you must enable the Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) in your store. This plugin is listed under the Pricing & Currencies category in the Booster dashboard.
Also, make sure to configure currency details in the plugin settings dashboard to display the correct list of currencies for selection in your store.
Example Input
[wcj_currency_select_drop_down_list before=”Select your Currency”]
[wcj_currency_select_radio_list] #
This shortcode can be used to display the currency selector in the radio list format on your product pages, or anywhere in the store.
Using this currency selector, your buyers can choose the currency specific to them, if the default store currency is different for them. With this, you can reduce the cart abandonment rate for your shop.
Make sure to enable the multicurrency (currency Switcher) plugin to ensure that your shortcode displays the output you want to see. You can control the currencies list by changing the respective plugin’s settings.
- Add prefix text to your radio list of currencies using the before attribute.
- Use the after attribute to display your input text after the radio list.
- Use the visibility attribute to specify the user roles that should see the shortcode output.
- Enter 2-letter country code value(s) for the location field to select the currency by country.
- Limit the site visibility (by page type) of this shortcode using the site_visibility attribute.
- Use the attribute wpml_language or not_wpml_language to make your shortcode visible or invisible by country.
Read more about how to use these common Booster attributes here.
[wcj_currency_select_radio_list before=”Select your Currency”]
[wcj_currency_select_link_list] #
This shortcode loads a hyperlinked list of currently-active store currencies on the page it is added to. Each currency’s name in this list can be clicked to change the store’s currency by the buyers.
For example, if the Australian dollar is the currency active on the store and the buyer chose Euro by clicking the related hyperlink, it will reload the page and show all prices in Euro the next.
You may use the attributes after, before, site_visibility, visibility, location, wpml_language, and not_wpml_language with this shortcode. Read this page to understand how to use these booster attributes.
Possible Usage
- Let buyers change store currency as per their billing preference;
- Let buyers see product prices in various locations from one account.
Input & Output
[wcj_current_date] #
The [wcj_current_date] shortcode has one simple function. It lets you show the current date in your store, in the format you prefer.
- Any common Booster attributes;
- date_format: To specify the date format for your shortcode output.
Possible Usage:
- Display the current date anywhere in the shop or on your website pages.
- Specify delivery details through it, for example, “Your order is placed on [wcj_current_date]. From now, it must take 48 hours in shipping”.
- You can use add it multiple times in your pages with a different value of the location and format attributes each time.
Example Input
[wcj_current_date before=”Date today: ” wpml_language=”RU”]
Note: This output only be will be visible to buyers with their locations as Russia.
[wcj_text] #
The [wcj_text] shortcode can be used with its attributes to show some text for specific conditions, for example:
- For one or more user roles only;
- For one or more locations (countries) only;
- For (or NOT for) selected WPML languages only;
- For one or a few pages types only.
It has an opening and a closing tag just like HTML tags. So, the text for conditional display is put between [wcj_text] and [wcj_text].
- Use it with any common attribute for Booster: before, after, visibility, site_visibility, location, wpml_language, not_wpml_language;
- billing_country: To display the input text for
- not_billing_country:
[wcj_text billing_country=”IN”]Your billing country is India[/wcj_text]
[wcj_text not_billing_country=”AU”]Your billing country is Australia[/wcj_text]
[wcj_tcpdf_pagebreak] #
The [wcj_tcpdf_pagebreak] shortcode is used to insert a page break in the invoices created in your WooCommerce store using the PDF invoicing plugin. To enable this plugin, follow these steps:
- Install and active Booster for WooCommerce plugin.
- Enable the PDF Invoicing Plugin from the WooCommerce > Booster Settings > Invoicing & Packing Slips section.
- Go to the Template tab. (see side menu bar).
- Edit the template and insert the shortcode
where you want to add a page break in your PDF invoices. - Save changes.
Though there is no compulsory argument/attribute, you may use any of these attributes with this shortcode.
Possible Usage
- Insert page break in your PDF invoices to make them neat and clean.
- Adding a page break in PDF invoices in your desired place.
Input Example
[wcj_input_field] #
The [wcj_input_field] shortcode displays various types of form fields on your single product and checkout pages. Using it, you may take custom inputs from your customers to offer better assistance, product, and/or services to them.
Install and activate the Product Input Fields Plugin to send the customer input through your current page on the form submit
Use this shortcode with the custom payment gateway plugin without the need for enabling the Product Input Fields plugin.
You may use –
- All common Booster attributes;
- name: To give your input field a name – Should be unique;
- type: field type
- label: admin label
The accepted field types are as under:
textnumberpasswordtel | monthweektime | emailcolorrange | dateurldatetime-local |
Possible Usage
Store owners can use input field shortcode for various purposes, including:
- Taking customer notes;
- Asking for communication details when the ordered product is a gift;
- Requesting preferred delivery date, week, or time;
- Knowing the color preference of the buyer when product has many variants or it is customizable.
[wcj_input_field name=”field_1″ type=”text” before=”Enter text: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_2″ type=”month” before=”Select Month: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_3″ type=”number” before=”Enter a Digit: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_4″ type=”week” before=”Week will be: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_5″ type=”password” before=”Select a month: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_6″ type=”time” before=”Select a time: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_7″ type=”date” before=”Select a date: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_8″ type=”datetime-local” before=”Select date time local: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_9″ type=”email” before=”Enter your email ID: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_10″ type=”color” before=”Choose a Color: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_11″ type=”range” before=”Select a Range: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_12″ type=”url” before=”Enter a URL: “]
[wcj_input_field name=”field_13″ type=”tel” before=”Telephone Number, please: “]
[wcj_wpml_translate] #
This shortcode simplifies publishing content for multi-language shops. You just need to enclose your content within the shortcodes [wcj_wpml_translate] [/wcj_wpml_translate] to set its visibility by language.
Be it your single product pages, cart pages, orders page, checkout page, or a normal website page, this shortcode will work everywhere for the domain with Booster installed and activated.
- lang: To display the enclosed content for one or multiple languages.
- not_lang: To hide the enclosed content for one or multiple languages.
- before: To add a prefix to the language-specific content.
- after: To add a postfix to the language-specific content.
- site_visibility: To make the language-specific content visible for a few page types.
- visibility: To make the language-specific content visible for one or a few user roles.
- location: To make the language-specific content visible for one or a few countries.
Note: The shortcode must have lang or not_lang attribute to make it work.
Possible Usage
- Setting content’s visibility for your site pages by WPML language.
[wcj_wpml_translate lang=”DE”]Guten Tag![/wcj_wpml_translate]
[wcj_wpml_translate lang=”FR”]Good day![/wcj_wpml_translate]
[wcj_wpml_translate not_lang=”DE,EN”]Store’s Language is neither German nor French[/wcj_wpml_translate]
[wcj_country_select_drop_down_list] #
Use this shortcode to render a select dropdown list with all or a few particular countries on any page as you prefer. By selecting an option in the list, customers will be able to view pages specific to their selected country.
Make sure to enable the Prices and Currencies by Country plugin in your store and configure it as per your requirements to get the desired output for the country select drop-down list shortcode.
Path for this plugin: WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Prices & Currencies > Prices and Currencies by Country
- All common Booster attributes;
- countries: To control the options in the country list by specifying menu items.
Possible Usage
- Let buyers change the store’s country to allow them making purchases successfully;
- Let your customers change shop’s country to see a product’s details for various regions;
- Enable customers to make purchases for various regions from one account.
Input #1 – Select your Country
Input #2 – [wcj_country_select_drop_down_list countries=”US,GB,DE” before=”Select your Country”]
[wcj_wpml] #
If you sell products to a multilingual audience, the [wcj_wpml] shortcode can help you render the language-wise content to the prospects as you need. Just use the lang or not_lang attribute with your opening and closing shortcode, while specifying the scope of the enclosed content for your store.
The [wcj_wpml] shortcode works for all shop and non-shop pages throughout your website. It will have you improve site experience and localize your business more efficiently.
Here are the attributes, you may use with this shortcode (you must use lang or not_lang with it):
- Lang: the list of WPML languages which should include shortcode output content
- not_lang: the list of WPML languages which should exclude shortcode output content
- before: Output prefix.
- after: Output postfix.
- site_visibility: Sets the scope of shortcode output by page types.
- visibility: Sets the scope of shortcode output by user role.
- location: Sets the scope of shortcode output by country.
Possible Usage
- Displaying content on your web and product pages as per your customer’s language.
- Showing different shipping or shopping rules as per the delivery or shipping country.
[wcj_wpml lang=”DE”]Guten Tag![/wcj_wpml]
[wcj_wpml lang=”FR”]Good day![/wcj_wpml]
[wcj_wpml not_lang=”DE,EN”]You are not buying in Germany or France, so import duty will be applicable[/wcj_wpml]