
Payment Gateways Min/Max Amounts For WooCommerce plugin

1 min read

Overview #

The WooCommerce Gateways Min/Max Amounts plugin allows you to set minimum and maximum amounts for enabling payment gateways in your shop. You will be able to set up notifications for each payment method if and when the amount falls short of/exceeds the minimum/maximum amounts.

Using this plugin, you can add notifications on the checkout page and configure settings that are compatible with the WooCommerce Multicurrency plugin. You can also choose to include or exclude shipping costs while considering the minimum or maximum cart value.

Enabling Payment Gateways Min/Max Amounts For WooCommerce #

To enable and use the Gateways Min/Max Amounts plugin, you should first download and install Booster for WooCommerce.

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Booster > Plugins page.
  2. Select Enable for the Gateways Min/Max Amounts plugin from the Payment Gateways category.
  3. Click Save Changes.

The WooCommerce Gateways Min/Max Amounts plugin will be enabled for your site.

Configuring Payment Gateways by Min/Max Amounts #

You can set payment gateways based on the minimum and maximum amounts with the help of this plugin. A different notification can be configured for each payment method in your store – for the condition when the amount falls short of/exceeds the minimum/maximum amounts.

General Options #

In the General Options section, enter/select the required values for the fields.

Refer to the table below for field descriptions:

Field Description
Exclude Shipping Specifies if shipping charges will be excluded from the total amount of the products in the cart when compared with min/max amounts.
Notices on Checkout – Enable Notices Specifies if notice will be displayed on checkout
Notices on Checkout – Notice Template (Minimum Amount) Template of the notice that will be displayed when the amount falls short of the minimum amount
Notices on Checkout – Notice Template (Maximum Amount) Template of the notice that will be displayed when the amount exceeds the maximum amount
Notices on Checkout – Notice Styling Style in which the notice will be displayed

Compatibility #

To enable compatibility with the Multicurrency plugin, check the box for the Multicurrency field. You can find it in the Compatibility tab.

Payment Gateways #

Go to the Payment Gateways tab when you are ready to specify minimum and maximum cart values to enable various payment gateways in your WooCommerce store. In this tab, you will find options to specify Min and Max values for all the payment gateways active in your shop.

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts for all or a few payment gateways Min and Max fields, respectively.

Once you’ve set the desired values, click Save Changes.

Output #

A sample checkout page with notifications displayed when the total amount of the cart items is less than the set minimum amount for Direct bank transferCash on delivery, and Paypal payment gateways:

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