
How to Navigate through Booster Categories and Modules Smoothly?

4 min read

Booster is a big plugin with 110+ features, so it is reasonable if you are struggling at getting acquainted with it. However, finding the categories and modules/plugins of your need is not that tough, when you know the right way to navigate through the plugin dashboard.

This article is written in order to make WooCommerce store owners use the Booster plugin more efficiently without much effort. Let’s begin; shall we?

Understanding Booster Plugin and the Placement of its Components #

Once installed, the Booster plugin’s features can be accessed using either of the ways:

  • Visit the WooCommerce > Settings > Booster tab. 
  • Go to WooCommerce > Booster Settings.

Now, let’s discuss its components and the methods to access them:

Booster Dashboard #

Path: WooCommerce > Booster Settings

The Booster Plugin Dashboard can be called home to all plugin features and tools. 

  • In the top row, it has links to all Booster category pages, where the modules belonging to the selected categories are enlisted. So, if you know the category of the plugin you want to visit, click on the name of its category.
  • The Booster Elite for WooCommerce – Dashboard section contains the list of all Booster modules, grouped by category.
  • To see all plugins in alphabetic order, select the sorting method as Alphabetically.
  • To see all active plugins only, click on the Active link.
  • To open Booster’s General Settings, click on the Settings link.
  • The Booster Elite for WooCommerce contains the list of modules/plugins, filtered and sorted as per your selections (regarding category and sorting). For each enlisted module, you can:
    • Click on the Settings link to open the module settings;
    • Click on the Documentation link to read how it works and what it does;
  • Click on the checkbox to enable the module;
  • Untick the selected checkbox to disable the module.

Note: For the last 2 actions, click on the Save Changes button to apply changes.

Quick hacks #

  1. Visiting the Booster Dashboard in One click

To reach the Booster dashboard from any category/section in a single click, either click on the Booster tab OR go to WooCommerce > Booster Settings.

  1. Ctrl+F

Going through the list of dozens of modules could be tiring. So, use your browser’s search bar from the main plugin dashboard, alphabetical listing of all modules, or any category page to find a module faster. You may use any key phrase to find the relevant module/plugin.

Accessing a Booster Plugin when You Know Its Exact Details #

Go to WooCommerce > Booster Settings to open the plugin dashboard and follow any of these paths:

Path 1

  1. Scroll down to the category of the plugin.
  2. Find the plugin’s name in the list
  3. Click on the Settings link below the name.

Path 2

  1. Click on the Aphabetically link to sort all plugins.
  2. Scroll down to the plugin you want to find.
  3. Click on the Settings link beneath it.

Path 3

  1. Click on the Category link for the category, to which, the plugin belongs.
  2. Look for the Plugin by scrolling down or through the browser search bar
  3. Click on the Settings link.

Path 4 

  1. If you remember activating/enabling the plugin, click on the Active link in the dashboard.
  2. Look for the needed plugin and click on the Settings link. As this page has comparative much fewer options, it will be easier to find and access the plugin you are looking for.

Path 5

  1. Enable the Admin Bar Booster Plugin from the EMAIL & MISC. category.
  2. Use its admin bar “Booster” to reach the settings page of any module/plugin in one click.

All these paths will lead you to the Plugin Settings Dashboard for the module you’d want. Once accessed, you can start modifying the settings to change module configuration.

Finding a Booster Plugin When its Location is Not Clear to You #

As you do not know the location or the name of your plugin, you can try a few ways to find it out. After navigating to WooCommerce > Booster Settings, try any of these methods:

Path 1

  • Search for a word that might be a part of the Plugin Name or Plugin description in your browser by using the CTRL+F command.
  • Among the results found, see (one-by-one) if any plugin can enable the functionality you wish for.
  • Click on the Settings link under the suitable plugin in the list.

Path 2 

  • Notice the names of Booster Categories.
  • Open category links (open in new tabs, if multiple categories) that might have the plugin you are looking for.
  • See the list of plugins for the category page(s) you have opened. Use the browser search bar as Path 1 if needed.
  • Once you find the required plugin, click on the Settings link for it.

Path 3

  • Go to the Buy Booster page.
  • See the list of all categories and plugins with their features in one place. You may search for the desired functionality and figure out its Booster counterpart plugin’s location/category.
  • Go back to the booster dashboard, locate the plugin, and open its settings.

Path 4

  1. Enable the Admin Bar Booster Plugin from the EMAIL & MISC. category.
  2. Use its admin bar “Booster” to find any module/plugin by hovering on menu items and checking their sub-menus.

Accessing a Booster Tool when You Know Its Exact Details #

Path 1:

  • Go to the Settings page of the Plugin, to which, the Booster Tool is connected.
  • Make sure that the Plugin is enabled. If not, enable it and Save Changes.
  • Scroll down to the Tools > Module Tools.
  • Click on the link to the Booster Tool.

Path 2:

  • Enable the Admin Bar Booster Plugin from the EMAIL & MISC. category.
  • Go to the desired Booster Tool through options enlisted in Booster > Booster Tools.

Finding a Booster Tool When its Location is Not Clear to You #

Path 1

  • Go to WooCommerce > Booster Tools.
  • Scroll down or use the search bar to find the tool that you need.
  • Check the Module column for the Booster Tool you want to use. Also, note the Status of this Booster Tool.

Here is an example:

  • Now, go to the WooCommerce > Booster Settings page.
  • From this dashboard, visit the Settings page of the module, to which, this Booster Tool belongs.
  • On the Plugin Settings page, see if this plugin/module is enabled. If not, enable the plugin and save settings.
  • Scroll down to the Tools > Module Tools section.
  • Now, you will see the link for the Booster Tool enabled.
  • Click on the link and use the tool as you prefer.

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