
Category – Products

[wcj_product_barcode] #


The shortcode enables WooCommerce stores to create barcodes for their products. These barcodes could be based upon product ID, SKU, URL, or meta, as you want. In fact, you can customize the dimension (1D or 2D), type, width, height, and/or color using various attributes with this shortcode.

Inventory, warehousing, and order management will become simpler once you will start using barcodes in your shop.


Besides the common Booster attributes, you can use the following attributes with this shortcode:

  • code (REQUIRED) Use the value `%id%`, `%sku%`, `%url%`, or `%meta%` to specify the property that should create your product barcode in the current case;
  • dimension – `1D` or `2D`.
  • type Specify the Barcode type. By default,`C39` is the type for 1D and `PDF417` for 2D
  • width Specify the Barcode width. By default, it is `2` for 1D and `10` for 2D
  • height Specify the Barcode height. By default, it is `30` for 1D and `10` for 2D
  • color – Specify the color of the barcode. It is `black` by default.

Possible Usage

  • Display barcodes and use them for your inventory processes
  • Handle order management hassle-freely
  • Sale through multiple channels in a well-organized way

Input and Output

<p>Barcode (SKU):[wcj_product_barcode code=”%sku%” height=’2′ width=’2′]</p>

<p>Barcode (ID):[wcj_product_barcode code=”%id%” height=’1′ width=’1′]</p>

<p>Barcode (SKU):[wcj_product_barcode]</p>

<p>Barcode (ID):[wcj_product_barcode]</p>

<p>Barcode (URL):[wcj_product_barcode code=”%url%”]</p>

<p>Barcode (meta):[wcj_product_barcode code=”%meta%”]</p>

[wcj_product_id] #


The [wcj_product_id] shortcode gives a numeric output, i.e. the ID of the current product. It is very useful when your store has customized product pages to show product meta, or anything related. Your developer can just use this shortcode to fetch product ID and display customized single product pages with its help.


The [wcj_product_id] shortcode does not need any attribute to work. However, you may use any of the common Booster attributes with it.

Possible Usage

  • Display product ID for buyer’s reference, letting him take post-purchase services or pre-purchase support assistance.
  • Use the product ID’s value on the page as you want.
  • You may pass this ID by adding it as the default value of an input field to show various product-related details on the next page when a customer decides to buy it.

Input and Output 



This shortcode generates the URL of the author page of a product page’s publisher when used on single product pages in your store. It redirects to the page containing all blog posts, created by the same author.

If you want to fetch the author URL for a particular product page, use the attribute product_id with it. In this case, this shortcode can be used throughout the store.

Note: Use the shortcode [wcj_product_author_link] if you want to create a link to other products published by the product author.


  • product_id: To fetch author link by product ID. Its default value is the current product page ID when used on the single product pages in your WooCommerce store.
  • Common Attributes


  • Use it on single product pages to let buyers read blog posts by product author
  • Use it as the href value for the HTML hyperlink tag (<a>) to create a hyperlink using the shortcode output.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_author_link] #


This shortcode creates a shop link to the product author page, meaning that the linked page will enlist all the shop products that are created by the product author. 

The product author is either the one who had created the current single product page, or the one who had created the product with the Product ID specified through the product_id attribute.

Note: Instead of the product author link shortcode, Use the shortcode [wcj_product_author_link_all_posts] to create a blog post author page link for the product author.


All shortcodes and products shortcodes from this page.


  • Let buyers find more products published by the same person/vendor.
  • Improve your cross-selling rate.

Input and Output 

[wcj_product_author_avatar] #


This shortcode adds the product author’s avatar to your current page. On the single product pages, it will create the avatar for the author of the current page, while for other pages (or even for the single product pages), you will need to pass the product ID’s value in the shortcode to fetch and display the author avatar.


  • avatar_size – Controls the size of the avatar
  • product_id The author avatar will be created for the product ID specified for this attribute.
  • after – Postfix text for the avatar
  • product_id Prefix text for the avatar
  • Other All shortcodes section attributes from this page.

Input Examples

  • [wcj_product_author_avatar avatar_size=”155″]

Displays Author Avatar

  • [wcj_product_author_avatar avatar_size=”96″ after=”This seller is the top vendor in our store”

Displays Author Avatar and appends the postfix text. You may add bio as postfix text.

  • <a href=”[wcj_product_author_link]” title=”Author”>[wcj_product_author_avatar]</a>

Adds a link to Author Avatar. Redirects to the Product Author Page (post type – products)

Note: The shortcode [wcj_product_author_link] creates the product author’s products page URL.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_author] #


This shortcode fetches and displays the product author, either for the current single product page or by product ID. You can use it on any shop or non-shop page. However, the attribute product_id is essential when you are not using the shortcode on a single product page. If you skip using it, the output will be blank.


Input Examples

[wcj_product_author product_id=”17″ before=”Your Cake is prepared by: “]

[wcj_product_author product_id=”243″ before=”Your t-shirt is from the Seller: “]

[wcj_product_author] (Can be used on Single Product Pages only)

Input and Output

[wcj_product_meta] #


The [wcj_product_meta] shortcode prints WooCommerce product meta value by key (essential) and/or product ID (compulsory on all pages except for single product pages). The shortcode will work on all your shop (WooCommerce) pages as well as website (WordPress) pages.


  • name Specify the meta key name to print its value for the current product or specified product ID
  • product_id – Product ID (It takes the current product’s ID as its value on the single product pages in WooCommerce)
  • before Prefix text for the shortcode output
  • after Suffix text for the shortcode output
  • Other Common Booster Shortcodes from the All Shortcodes section on this page.

Possible Usage

  • Dynamically fetch and list meta details of various products in one page/blog post.
  • Fetch details about related products on a product page and increase sales.
  • Create a custom product listing with the products of your choice (otherwise ungroupable) listed on it.

Accepted Keys/Names

Input and Output 

[wcj_product_meta before=”Average rating: ” name=”_wc_average_rating”][wcj_product_meta before=” (” after=”)” name=”_wc_review_count”]

[wcj_product_image_url] #


This shortcode outputs the product image URL for your current single product page or for a specific product ID. It can be used on your archive, shop, category, checkout, order details, as well as website pages/blog posts. 


Note: When not using it on the single product page, please make sure to use the product_id attribute with this shortcode.

Possible Usage

  • Display other similar products in your shop on any product page;
  • Display the product’s icon in different sections of the single product page;
  • Display any product’s image in your blog posts or on your website dynamically (It means, the image will change if the product’s image is updated in the shop).

[wcj_product_short_description] #


Use this shortcode to print the short description of any of your products by its ID. For the single product pages, if you want to print a short description of the current product, specifying the product ID is optional.

[wcj_product_short_description] can be added to any product, shop, blog, or website page. 


  • product_id – To specify the product ID 
  • before – To specify the prefix text
  • after – To specify the postfix text
  • Other common attributes from the All Shortcodes section.

Possible Usage

  • Showing the short descriptions of similar products with their links, etc. for cross-selling or upselling.
  • Displaying the short description of a product in your desired place in the shop.
  • Displaying the short description of your product(s) on your website/blog pages dynamically.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_url] #


The [wcj_product_url] shortcode prints the product URL. Dy default, on the single product pages, it displays the current page’s URL. However, if you have specified a product ID, the shortcode will output the product URL by the ID given.

On any shop page other than the product pages, it is essential for you to specify a value for the product_id attribute while using the [wcj_product_url] shortcode.


  • product_id – Enter the product ID to print the corresponding URL. It is compulsory on all pages except product pages.
  • Common Booster attributes from all or product shortcodes. 

Possible Usage

  • Add your products’ URL anywhere in the shop by product ID;
  • Use the shortcode for creating a hyperlink to a product.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_height] #


It outputs the height of the product on your current product page. If the product_id attribute is used with this shortcode, it will display the height of the product, as specified through the ID. on all pages except for the single product pages, using this attribute is required.


  • product_id – Enter the ID of a product to display its height.
  • after – Add some text after the shortcode output
  • Any Common Booster attribute from the All Shortcodes section.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_height before=”Product Height is – ” after=”cm”]

[wcj_product_width] #


This shortcode displays the width of the product on a single product page, or by the product ID. When using this shortcode on archive or website pages, using the product_id attribute is essential.


  • before – Use this attribute to add a prefix text to the shortcode output.
  • after – Use this attribute to add a postfix text to the shortcode output.
  • product_id – Use this attribute to display the width of a particular product by its ID.
  • Other common attributes (all Shortcodes) than the enlisted ones can also be used with this shortcode.

Input and Output 

[wcj_product_width before=”Product Width is – ” after=”cm”]

[wcj_product_length] #


Use the [wcj_product_length] shortcode to show the length of the product. It can be used on single product pages to help buyers imagine the dimensions of the product better. Or, you may use the product_id attribute with this shortcode to fetch the length of one or various products. This data can be listed on your archive pages or other listing pages.


  • before – To add a prefix
  • after – To add a postfix
  • product_id – To display the product length by ID.
  • Other common Booster attributes from the All Shortcodes section.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_weight before=”Product Weight is – ” after=” gram”]

[wcj_product_price_excluding_tax] #


This shortcode displays the price of the current product, excluding the tax amount from the total. Or, you may also fetch the price (exclusive of tax) using the Product ID (product_id) attribute. 

One can see or hide currency associated with the detail using the hide_currency attribute.

The [wcj_product_price_excluding_tax] shortcode can be used on any page while using the product_id attribute. On the single product pages, using the attribute is optional.


  • hide_currency – The value should be “yes” when you want to hide the currency sign, and “no” when you want to show it alongside the amount.
  • product_id – Enter a product ID to fetch the price (tax-exclusive) value of a particular product.
  • Attributes in the All Shortcodes section on this page.

Possible Usage

  • To maintain pricing transparency in your shop
  • To prevent all kinds of confusion about the product’s actual price in your online shop

Input and Output

[wcj_product_price_including_tax] #


The [wcj_product_price_including_tax] shortcode displays the total product price, inclusive of all taxes. It can be used on the dedicated product pages to let your buyers know about the amount they will actually have to pay for buying the product.


  • before – Add some text before the tax incl. price.
  • after – Append some text after the tax incl. price is displayed on the screen.
  • hide_currency – Show or hide the currency sign
  • product_id – To show the tax incl. price for a particular product.
  • visibility – To show the tax incl. price to a few types of user roles.
  • location – To show the tax incl. price to the people in a few countries.
  • site_visibility – To show the tax incl. price for a few page types.
  • wpml_language – To show the tax incl. price when one of the specified WPML languages is enabled for a store.
  • not_wpml_language – To hide the tax incl. price when one of the specified WPML languages is enabled for a store.

Find more details here.


[wcj_product_price_including_tax before=”Price incl. TAX: “]


[wcj_product_list_attribute] #


This shortcode displays the available product variations for a product attribute (by attribute name). Except for the core attributes, like size, color, and brand, you can also use the names of custom attributes to show the variants for them in your shop.


  • name – The name of the attribute, e.g., color. It is a required argument for this shortcode.
  • product_id – To show the attribute variants of a particular product by its ID.
  • Common Booster Shortcode Attributes

Possible Usage

  • Display the variants for a specific product attribute in your desired position on the page
  • Show the product attribute variant list on your page in your desired order.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_list_attributes] #


Using the shortcode, store owners can show the list of all product attributes, with the variants available for them, in a tabular format. The shortcode outputs a Zebra stripe table that looks good in the shop.


  • product_id – If you want to show the attribute details of a particular product instead of the current one, or if you are using this shortcode on a web page other than single product pages, add a value for this attribute with your shortcode. 
  • All Common attributes for Booster Shortcodes can be used for this shortcode.

Possible Usage

  • Display the variants for a specific product attribute in your desired position on the page
  • Show the product attribute variant list on your page in your desired order.


[wcj_product_list_attributes before=”Product Attributes: “]


[wcj_product_stock_quantity] #


This shortcode displays the total remaining items for a product in the inventory. You may directly use [wcj_product_stock_quantity] on a single product page or use the product_id attribute to show the stock quantity for a particular product from your shop.


There is no particular required field for this shortcode. However, it is essential to use the attribute product_id when you are using it on an archive page, or a web page on your website. As the shortcode fetches the product ID from the current page, it can only be left blank for the single product pages. 

Other than this shortcode, you may also use the common Booster shortcodes attributes from the All Shortcodes section here.

Possible Usage 

  • Let buyers know how many items are remaining in your shop.
  • Showing the stock quantity for a hot-selling product acts as a factor in improving the conversion rate.
  • Make people act faster when stock quantity is low.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_categories] #


The [wcj_product_categories] shortcode displays the array of categories a product is enlisted in. It looks for the value of the product_id attribute or current product ID (on the dedicated product pages) to show this detail.

The output of this shortcode is in hyperlinked format, meaning that site visitors can click on the names of categories to visit the respective category pages.


Possible Usage

  • Improve navigation within the online shop for your buyers.
  • Let people see related products (from product categories) easily.

[wcj_product_average_rating] #


[wcj_product_averaga_rating] adds the average value of a product’s ratings wherever it is used. For this, it divides the total star ratings received by the number of total reviews. The shortcode output can be a fraction too.


  • product_id – Displays product rating (in digits – up to 2 decimal points) for a product by product ID. 

Possible Usage

  • Good numbers (e.g. Product Ratings) can drive sales.
  • When a shop has many reviews that are varying in nature, buyers want to see the average rating to understand the overall feedback from the previous buyers in one go. Product ratings can help them.
  • You may use this shortcode with the product_id attribute in your archive or web pages. It is suitable when you are creating a custom list/table of products in your shop. 


[wcj_product_average_rating before=”Ratings: “]


[wcj_product_tax_class] #


WooCommerce lets you add Tax classes to your store from the Settings > Tax tab. For each of the tax classes, a particular tax amount will be applicable. If you want to tell your shop users which tax class is applied to the product or the cart, the [wcj_product_tax] shortcode can be used. 

Suggestion: While using the Plugin, you might want to use this shortcode with WooCommerce Product Info module output.


Use any attribute from the All Shortcodes or Products Shortcodes section on this page.

Possible Usage

  • Maintain pricing transparency by displaying tax class on the product or cart/order details pages.
  • You might want to show tax classes to one or a few particular user roles, e.g. shop manager. Do it using the visibility attribute with this shortcode.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_stock_availability] #


[wcj_product_stock_availability] displays the availability status of the current product, or of a particular product by product ID. Whether the product is in stock, is available for back-ordering, or is out of stock – It can be told to buyers using this shortcode easily.

Side-note: Shop owners use it extensively with the Booster Product Info Plugin.


  • product_id Displays the stock availability status of a particular product. (If the product ID is not specified, the buyer will see the availability information of the current product. In this case, the output will be blank on all pages except for the Single product pages in your store.)
  • The Common Booster shortcodes attributes from the All Shortcodes section.

Possible Usage

  • Make the buyers aware of the product availability status.
  • Keep your customers informed and satisfied by providing real-time updates.
  • Manage inventory flow better by specifying the available status in your shop.

Input and Output 

[wcj_product_formatted_name] #


This shortcode returns the product formatted name for the current product, or for any product as per the product ID passed as an argument/attribute with this shortcode. If you want to view the product’s name and SKU/ID together, this shortcode can display both information at once.

Output Format

Product_Name (Product_SKU)

Output Example

  1. Chocolate Cake (243)
  2. V-Neck T-Shirt (11)


  • product_id – Specify a Product ID to see a product’s formatted name by ID.
  • before – Add a prefix text
  • after – Add a suffix to the output
  • visibility – Make the product formatted name visible to one or several user roles
  • location – Make the product formatted name visible for one or a few countries
  • site_visibility – Make the product formatted name visible for several page types only
  • wpml_language – Display the product formatted name for some WPML languages only
  • not_wpml_language – Hide the product formatted name for some WPML languages

Read more about using these attributes here.

Possible Usage 

  • Display product names with their SKUs for shop managers and admin on the frontend.
  • Display product formatted names and use them to assist buyers when a query.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_dimensions] #


This shortcode displays the product’s dimensions in the following format – 

Length x Width x Height

The output of the [wcj_product_dimensions] shortcode is in decimal format. All the missing parameters from the product dimension configurations are omitted from the output. For example, if a product just has a length and width specified, the output will be Length x Width.


There is no compulsory/required attribute for the dimensions shortcode. However, all the common shortcode attributes will work fine with it.

Possible Usage

  • Show product dimensions to users to help them imagine the product’s appearance better.
  • Let the people related to shipping and packaging like operations know the product details from the frontend itself (use visibility attribute with the shortcode).

Input and Output

[wcj_product_shipping_class] #


The [wcj_product_shipping_class] shortcode displays the name of the applied shipping class for the current product on a single product page in your WooCommerce store, provided that the Booster plugin is configured. 

Alternatively, you may use the attribute product_id on any shop page in your store and display the shipping class applied on any particular product by its SKU/ID.


Possible Usage

  • Show shipping class names on your product pages so that buyers could understand the pricing better.
  • Make your product pages information-rich with shipping class information.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_regular_price] #


The [wcj_product_regular_price] shortcode is useful when you have applied several surpluses and/or regular prices on a product. In such a case, you may use it and specify the regular price in the description to maintain your shop’s transparency.



[wcj_product_regular_price before=”Regular price: ” after=“Why not buy it when there is so much discount?”]

[wcj_product_regular_price before=”Old price: <del>” after=”</del>” show_always=”no”]

Input and Output

[wcj_product_sale_price] #


This shortcode displays the sale prices of a product. To display this information in any position on your single product pages, or by the product ID on any shop page, you can use the [wcj_product_sale_price] shortcode.



[wcj_product_sale_price before=”Sale price: “]

Input and Output

[wcj_product_time_since_last_sale] #


The shortcode displays the time duration passed since the current product was purchased. The output is shown in minutes, hours, or days. If you want to make your buyers view the ‘time since last sale’ value of a particular page, it can be done using the product_id attribute. Otherwise, the shortcode has no compulsory args/attributes.

The [wcj_product_time_since_last_sale] shortcode can be used on any page throughout your domain, on which the Booster Plugin is configured.


With this shortcode, you may use the common Booster attributes and the ones listed below:

  • days_to_cover – Output is created as per the sales history of this duration (in days). By default, the previous 90 days’ record is checked.
  • order_status – The default value is ‘wc-completed’ but if you want to count the completed purchases by any other order status, specify the relevant order status as the value for this attribute.
  • hide_if_no_sales – The shortcode output is hidden on 0 sales if you set its value to ‘yes’ (The default value is `no`).
  • product_id – Displays the time since the last sale for a specific product by product ID

Possible Usage

  • Let your buyers know how frequently your store products are bought.
  • Make your customers rush for ordering, in case the product has a limited stock
  • Encourage purchase by indicating that other buyers are also interested in this product.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_time_since_last_sale before=”Previous item was sold: “]

[wcj_product_available_variations] #


The [wcj_product_available_variations] shortcode enables shop owners to enlist all details of their variable products in the striped table format. It is generally used on the variable product pages. However, if required, you may use this shortcode on any product or shop page – with a product ID of a variable product. 


There are no required attributes for this shortcode. However, you might need the product_id attribute or the attributes from the All Shortcodes (see this page to know about the said shortcodes).

Possible Usage

  • Display a quick summary of product variants for your buyers
  • Enlist product variants info in one table to help buyers make a quick purchase decision
  • Keep your variable product pages clean using the formatted output of this shortcode

Input and Output

[wcj_product_add_new] #


For multi-vendor stores or the businesses looking forward to collaborating with a variety of sellers and manufacturers, it is easy to receive the product suggestions for approval/disapproval through the shop frontend. It means that you need not let every seller enter your backend and see/control your shop data.

Just use the [wcj_product_add_new] shortcode to any WooCommerce page (or create a separate page) to receive User Products through your store. It will display a form with various options on the page. Using this form, anyone will be able to draft products. Later on, you (or the admin) can decide whether or not to publish a product.

Not only unregistered users, but your shop managers will also be able to send products for your approval on publishing through this form. If willing, you may use the visibility attribute to make this output visible to a particular set of user roles.

Note: To display the shortcode output, it is mandatory to enable Booster User Products Plugin. It’s because the output is displayed as per this plugin’s settings.


Possible Usage

  • Receive more user products by simplifying the product drafting process
  • Streamline the product publishing task better
  • Limit the people accessing your backend for added security

[wcj_product_total_sales] #


Use the [wcj_product_total_sales] shortcode to print the total sales count on your single product page. Alternatively, you may use the total product sales by product ID on any product page. So, whenever you want to promote sales by telling your buyers about how many items are already sold, this shortcode will be very useful. 


  • hide_if_zero – Its default value is no, but if you want to hide the shortcode output when total sales are zero, set it to yes.
  • offset – Change the sales number to start the counting from. By default, its value is zero.
  • Any of the common attributes for Booster plugins.

Possible Usage

  • To encourage more buyers for making a purchase by showing total sales
  • To add the total number of sales in any position on your product pages
  • Show product total sales by product ID on your various shop pages for your custom requirements.


[wcj_product_total_sales after=” Items are already sold. Order faster.” hide_if_zero=”yes”]

Input and Output

[wcj_product_purchase_price] #


Let’s say you sell customized products and want to keep your services’ charges transparent for your buyers. What you can do is – display the product’s actual purchase price on your website, alongside the sales price.

Similarly, there might be other use cases when you would like to display the purchase price of your product alongside the other details and selling price.

For all the above-explained scenarios, you may use the [wcj_product_purchase_price] shortcode. It will print the purchase cost, added in the backend, for your product.

If you are not using this shortcode on a single product page or want to display purchase prices of other products (e.g., the items used as raw material in your current product), use the product_id attribute.

Note: To set a product’s purchase price, please use the Booster Cost of Goods Plugin.


Though there is no required attribute, you may use the ones from the All Shortcodes and the Products Shortcodes section, enlisted on this page, as optional attributes with this shortcode.

Possible Usage

  • Display the product’s purchase price for added transparency 
  • Show the cost of goods to selective user roles using the attribute visibility
  • Print the cost of various products, used as raw material, in the making of a product using the product_id attribute.

[wcj_product_you_save_percent] #


This shortcode displays the total save percentage for the current product or for a product by its ID. Using the reverse argument, you can also show the percentage amount to be paid for a product. This shortcode can be used anywhere on the domain which has Booster configured.

Note: To show the total saving (in digits) in a product’s purchase, you may use the shortcode [wcj_product_you_save_percent] instead.


The following attributes can be used with this shortcode, optionally:

  • reverse – Set its value to “yes” to display the percentage amount to be paid, i.e. 100 minus saving percentage. Its default value is no.
  • product_id – To show the saving or spend percentage for a particular product by ID/SKU.
  • hide_if_zero – If there is no saving on a product purchase, setting this attribute’s value as yes will hide the shortcode output. 
  • Any of the common Booster attributes

Possible Usage

  • Highlight product discounts to encourage sales
  • Show the total percentage amount to be paid after applying the discount 
  • Show saving or spendable amount for any product on any page in your shop
  • Use savings details in your web pages and blogs to promote store sales.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_you_save] #


Use this shortcode to display the total savings or discounts on a product to your buyers. It can be used on any single product page, with or without any attribute. However, to show the discount/saving for a particular product, you must use the attribute product_id with it.


Though the [wcj_product_you_save] shortcode has no required attribute, you may use the following attributes with it when needed:

  • hide_currency – Show or hide the currency sign with the saved amount. Default: no.
  • hide_if_zero – Show or hide the saved amount when its value is zero. Default: no.
  • product_id – Display the saving amount for a particular product using its ID.
  • Shortcodes Common Attributes (Check All Shortcodes Section) 

Possible Usage

  • Show the total savings to improve the conversion rate of your product pages
  • Promote your sales/discounts easily using this shortcode
  • Create a listing of various products with their dynamic discount amount details

Input and Output

[wcj_product_custom_field]  #


The [wcj_product_custom_field] shortcode lets store owners display the values specified for product custom fields on the store frontend. To display a custom field’s value, you must pass the name of the respective field in the name attribute.


  • name – (REQUIRED) Specify the name of the custom field to display its value
  • product_id – Specify the ID to select the custom field value for a particular product
  • Use any common Booster Argument as needed. 

Possible Usage

  • Use any custom information on the frontend to enrich your product pages
  • Add a custom field’s input data for a particular user role if needed

Input and Output

[wcj_product_excerpt] #


This shortcode displays the product excerpt details for a single product page, or for any product by its ID. Though the default maximum excerpt length is 55 words, you may decide to set a different maximum length (less than 55 words) using the excerpt_length attribute.


  • excerpt_length – Specify the number of maximum words in the excerpt.
  • product_id – Enter the product ID to display the excerpt of a particular product.
  • Shortcode common attributes

Possible Usage

  • Display a list of products (with URLs) with their excerpts to boost your sales.
  • Add product excerpts to your product pages in your desired location.
  • Elaborate your product better by giving its precise description in the form of an excerpt.


[wcj_product_excerpt excerpt_length=”20″ before=”Product excerpt: “]

Input and Output

[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]  #


This shortcode can display the wholesale pricing for a single or a variable product in a tabular format. That too – without much effort in your WooCommerce store. 

To display the wholesale price table, make sure to enable the WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing Plugin in your store and configure the required details through it.


By default, the output of this shortcode (for a single/variable product page or a valid product ID) is a striped table displaying the wholesale prices related to a product of various product quantity groups. However, when required, you may format the table differently. For this, use any (or a combination of) the following attributes:

  • product_id – Set a particular product’s ID as this attribute’s value to display the wholesale price table for it. On the single or variable product pages, the default value is the current ID.
  • table_format – Set it to `vertical` or horizontal` to specify table’s orientation. Table is displayed horizontally by default.
  • heading_format – You may use the variables `%level_min_qty%` and/or `%level_max_qty%` while specifying the table heading. By default, it is `from %level_min_qty% pcs.`.
  • price_row_format – the default row format is `<del>%old_price%</del> %price%`. However, you may change this value using the same variables.
  • before_level_max_qty – This value is appended before the `%level_max_qty%` value in the table heading. By default, it is ‘’.
  • last_level_max_qty – This value is appended after the highest level’s quantity in the table heading. Its default value is ‘+’.
  • add_price_row – Show or hide a price details row in your table. Default: yes.
  • add_percent_row – Add or skip adding the discount percent row in the table. Default: no.
  • add_discount_row – Add or skip adding the discount amount row in the table. Default: no.
  • hide_if_zero_quantity – When no quantity, this field hides (or displays) the wholesale price table. Its value could either be yes or no.
  • hide_currency – Show or hide currency symbols for the prices in the table. Accepted values: yes, and no.

Beside the above attributes, you may also use any common Booster Attribute with this shortcode.

Input and Output

  1. [wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]
  1. A vertical wholesale price table with product prices and a different heading format

[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table heading_format=”%level_min_qty%%level_max_qty%” table_format=”vertical” price_row_format=”%price%”]

Output example:

2-4 $ 95.00

5-9 $ 93.00

10+ $ 90.00

[wcj_product_tags] #


The [wcj_product_tags] shortcode returns an array of tags, associated with the current product page. Using the add_links attribute, you may specify if you want to add links to the respective tags in the output or not.

If you are not using it on a single product page, or want to fetch the tags list of a particular product page (other than the current, you must use the attribute product_id with the shortcode.


For the shortcode [wcj_product_tags], all the arguments/attributes are optional. However, you may use the following attributes with it.

  • add_links Specify its value as yes to add links to the tags and as no, to display tags as plain text. Its default value is no.
  • product_id – Add the product ID as the value of this attribute if you want to display the list of tags for a particular product.
  • Any of the Shortcodes common attributes from the All Shortcodes list.

Possible Usage

  • Display the tags on your product pages as additional information
  • Add tags with links to improve site navigability
  • Add tags of any product (or a group of products) to any shop page.


[wcj_product_tags sep=”, ” add_links=”no” before=”</p><p>Product Tags: ” after=”</p><p>”]

[wcj_product_tags sep=”, ” add_links=”yes” before=”Tags: “]

Input and Output

[wcj_product_title] #


This shortcode displays the title of the product on the current page, or by the product ID passed as an attribute value to it. It works on all website pages. However, for the pages except for single product pages, it is compulsory to pass the product_id attribute, or its output will be NULL.


  • product_id – Takes the product ID as input
  • before – Takes the shortcode output prefix as input
  • after – Takes the shortcode output suffix as input
  • wpml_language – Shows the shortcode output to one or a few WPML languages
  • not_wpml_language – Hides the shortcode output from one or a few WPML languages
  • location – Displays the shortcode output to users from one or a few countries
  • site_visibility – Displays the shortcode output for one or a few page types
  • visibility – Displays the shortcode output to users with selective user roles

See more details about how to use the above-listed attributes on this page.

Possible Usage

  • Also show product titles in other locations than default as per your shop’s needs.
  • Display the dynamic list of similar products (their titles) by their ID
  • Use this shortcode anywhere in your shop to dynamically fetch and show product titles so that you need not update the details when titles are updated in the shop.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_weight] #


The product weight can be displayed on your single pages using this Booster shortcode. works on any page of the shop. However, when you want the weight of a particular product, it is essential to use the attribute product_id with it.


You may give various inputs to control this shortcodes output, such as:

  • product_id – The product ID (integer)
  • before – The prefix for the output
  • after – The suffix for the output
  • Common Booster attributes > All Shortcodes

Possible Usage

  • Display product weight in your preferred position on your product pages
  • Give your buyers an idea of product weight
  • Drive more sales by providing more relevant information, e.g. product weight, for your products. 

Input and Output

[wcj_product_sku] #


SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is an important detail about products for any online or offline store. It helps in inventory operations as well as post-purchase assistance to the buyers. If you want to display this information in your shop, use the [wcj_product_sku] shortcode.


  • product_id – To display the product SKU by product ID
  • before – SKU prefix text
  • after – SKU suffix text
  • wpml_language – To display the SKU to users with certain WPML language(s) enabled
  • not_wpml_language – To hide the SKU from users with certain WPML language(s) enabled
  • location – To display the SKU to users for a certain country(s).
  • site_visibility – To display the SKU on several types of pages.
  • visibility – To display the SKU to several user roles only.

Read more about using these attributes here.

Possible Usage

  • Show product SKUs to everyone in your shop
  • Show product SKUs to shop administration, shop manager, etc. only.

Input and Output 

[wcj_product_image] #


Use this shortcode to display a thumbnail, catalog or single product sized image of a product. The image could be of the current product on a product page in your shop, or it could be fetched by product_id attribute on any shop page as you desire.


  • product_id – Display the image of a specific product using its ID.
  • image_size – Set its value to `shop_thumbnail`, `shop_catalog` or `shop_single` to display the product image accordingly. By default, a thumbnail is displayed as this shortcode’s output.

Besides the above two attributes, use shortcodes common args as and when deemed necessary for your custom store needs.

Possible Usage

  • Display product’s differently-sized image in different positions on your product page
  • Use product pages in your web and blog pages dynamically from your shop

Input and Output

[wcj_product_price] #


This shortcode is useful when you want to display the unfiltered/base price of a product or want to show its multiplier in order or apply or deduct a certain fee amount on it. For the latter case, you must use the attribute multiply_by with this shortcode.

The [wcj_product_price] shortcode can be used anywhere in your WooCommerce store. However, to use it for the pages besides the product pages, make sure to use the attribute product_id mandatorily with it.


You may use the following shortcodes with the [wcj_product_price] shortcode:

  • product_id – Specify an Integer ID for a product to show the product price for it, particularly.
  • multiply_by – Multiple current product’s price by a numeric value. For example, to apply a 5% fee, the multiplier will be “1.05”. 

Possible Usage

  • Display the base product price to your buyers to help them understand discounts, surplus, and taxes applicable on this product better.
  • Display a base product price multiple, applying a product-specific discount or extra fee in your store.
  • Show the base product price to shop managers only
  • Add this shortcode in a product price comparison or detail table anywhere throughout your Booster-enabled domain.


[wcj_product_price before=”Price: “]


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