
Shop Global Discount For WooCommerce plugin

Overview #

The WooCommerce Global Discount plugin is a part of the Booster for WooCommerce. It is compatible with the WPML (WordPress multilanguage) plugin and can be made to accept Product shortcodes.

The major use of Global Discount is to enable one or multiple shop-wide discounts in WooCommerce stores. One can activate fixed-price or percentage-based discounts using this plugin for the whole shop at once. However, if you want to apply it to a small part of the online shop, that’s possible too.

Changing the scope of the discount can be done in several ways by this plugin, such as:

  • By including or excluding products;
  • By including or excluding product categories;
  • By including or excluding tags;
  • By including or excluding products on sale.

To make the discounts easier to understand, store administrators can also make corrections in the discount amount by applying RoundCeil, or Floor functions on it.

When Might You Need WooCommerce Global Discount? #

This plugin is very useful for shop owners in multiple scenarios. Here is a small list of its utilities for your shop:

1. When You Want to Apply Discount for your Whole Shop in 1 minute or less

Yes, it will take less than a minute to enable a discount on each and every product in your store!

With the WooCommerce Global discount plugin, you can set a fixed or percentage discount in no time for your shop. This way, it will be simpler for you to run a sales campaign, and you will have more time to spend on promotions, query resolution, assistance delivery, and more such operations.

2. When You Want to Apply an Additional Discount for an Ongoing Sale

Let’s say you have a sale ongoing. It is highly probable that besides the current discounts, you would wish to add some extra discount in the last few days or in the last few hours, or maybe, on the last day of the sale only. With our plugin, doing so is as easy as a breeze.

3. When You Want to Apply Discount on Products NOT in Sale

Want to apply a special discount on non-discounted products only? Well, why not! It is a good idea to sell more when your current sale is doing amazing. WooCommerce Global Discount is all that you need in this scenario.

4. When You Want to Run Multiple Sales Campaigns

If your store requires running several sales campaigns with different conditions, the Global Discount plugin can help you out. With this plugin, you will be able to set separate conditions and apply them to diverse products, categories, and tags for each of your sales.

5. When You Want to Apply Discounts on Several Products in the Shop

The Global Discount Plugin lets you activate percentage or fixed price discounts while including or excluding products, product categories, and tags. So, if you do not want a storewide discount but for a part, this plugin suits your needs.

How to Enable Global Discount for the Whole Store or for Several Conditions? #

Enabling global discounts for a WooCommerce store is a straightforward process if you follow these 4 steps. It won’t take more than 5 minutes.

Step 1 – Install the Booster for WooCommerce Plugin #

You need this amazing plugin bundle to begin with. Booster has 120+ plugins and is currently being used by more than 1 Million WooCommerce websites due to its comprehensibility. To enable global discounts, we will be using one of its features.

Step 2 – Activate the WooCommerce Global Discount #

Once you have the Booster for WooCommerce Plugin installed and activated, you need to go to Booster > Plugins, depending on your theme.

Next, look for the Global Discount plugin in the Prices & Currencies category. Select Enable for it and save the changes.

Step 3 – Change Common Global Discount Settings #

Now is the turn to edit the global discount settings for your WooCommerce Store.

Options #

Under the Options section, you will see an input field that accepts the count of Total Groups. Here, you need to enter the total number of discount configurations/types you are going to have. For example, if you are going to have 2 global discounts for your store, enter as your input.

Make sure to save changes before you move to the next section and the plugin will load a few more options as per your total group count.

Advanced Settings #

Enable or disable Compatibility with Product Shortcode and Global Discount in Admin to apply or remove related functionality for the shop. The former will let you use the Products shortcode, such as:

[products on_sale=”true”] [products]

On the other hand, the latter will let you enable “global discount” product pricing in the backend.

So, let’s say that your administrators are seeing product pricing in the following format prior to enabling this setting:


Post enabling the setting, the view will be similar to the following screenshot:


Note: Global Discount Admin Settings might change output/working of a few plugins, like the Products XML Feeds plugin.

In the Advanced Settings, you can also enable options related to WPML to get languages and terms so that you could enable multilanguage functionality with global discount fields too. Besides this, you can change Price Filters Priority in case this plugin’s settings crash with any other plugin.


Reset Settings

To enable the default settings for the global discount plugin, click the Reset Settings button. It will restore all default values for the plugin.

Configuring the plugin from this point will be an easy task when you are not sure about why this plugin is not working as you are expecting.

Step 4 – Create a Discount Group #

You will have one or multiple sets of discount group options, depending upon the Total Groups field’s value you have set in the Options section. Here, we will explain how to enter details for one such group. You may follow the same steps for the rest of the discount group afterward.

  • Select Enable to apply this discount group to your store. When you want to put a temporary hold on this group’s use, you may Disable this option by unchecking the same field and saving changes.


  • Select the discount Type as Percent if you want to apply a percentile-based discount. For a fixed discount (e.g., $5), you must select the discount type as Fixed.

Note: For the latter case, currency for the discount type will be same as the one applicable for your store (or a particular buyer).

  • Set the discount Value in the next field.

Note: This VALUE must be negative. For example, in the case of percentage discount, ‘-2’ will mean 2% discount while for the fixed type, it will mean a discount of $2.

  • After discount’s calculation, Final Correction value will decide the final value of product price, to which this discount will be applied. So, select a correction function among None, RoundCeil, or Floor (say ‘f’) and use a Correction Coefficient (say ‘c’) if you want to use this functionality.

Price will be f(Price / c ) * c after this

The default value of the Correction Coefficient is 1, and you may retain the same in case you do not want to affect this variable in your calculation.

Example: If the discount amount is $100.3 as per previous step and c = 1, here is the product price that this step will give as output :

  • None: No change, so the product price will remain $100.3.
  • Round: Rounding off, so the product price will be $100.
  • Ceil: It will apply the ceiling function, so the product price will be $101.
  • Floor: It will apply the floor function, so the product price will remain $100.



  • Select the relevant value for Product Scope. You can apply the global discount on:
    • All Products
    • Only on the products that are already on sale
    • Only on the products that are not on sale



  • Select the products, product categories, and/or tags to include or exclude for this discount group.



If you want to apply the discount store-wide, leave all 6 fields (for including and excluding products, categories, and tags) blank.

  • Save changes.

Example – Applying Global Discounts in a Gift Shop for Anniversary Cakes Only #

Let us consider that you own a gift shop that sells various products.

You have recently found out that October is the most popular birthday month in your region and it has begun. And for the same reason, you want to apply a special discount on products of type Cake with a tag birthdaycake on them.

Here’s how you will define your picks for the global discount:

1.Applying a 2 Percent Global Discount


2.Determining the Scope of the Discount


And you can save changes already!

Frontend View for the above Example

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