
Category – Products Crowdfunding

6 min read

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal] #


The [wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal] shortcode reads the value of the ongoing crowdfunding campaign and displays it on the screen. You may use it on any single product page in your store.


The Booster common shortcode attributes work with this shortcode.


  1. Enable the WooCommerce Crowdfunding plugin.
  2. Enter Crowdfunding details in the Booster: Crowdfunding meta box.

Possible Usage

  • In displaying the total Crowdfunding goal to educate your store users about the campaign;
  • To promote your crowdfunding campaign while trying to achieve a goal quickly.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_startdate] #


The [wcj_product_crowdfunding_startdate] shortcode outputs the date when your store’s product-specific crowdfunding campaign will begin. 

It only works for the single product pages with Booster: Crowdfunding meta box filled. To add this meta box to your product page, make sure that you enable the Crowdfunding plugin for your store.


You may use before, after, location, site_visibility, visibility, wpml_language, and/or not_wpml_language attributes with this shortcode. Learn more here.

Possible Usage

  • Pre-announcement of the crowdfunding campaign to promote it even before it begins.
  • Displaying the start date of the crowdfunding campaign to encourage people in helping the store matching the goal faster.

Input and Output Example

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_deadline] #


Running a Crowdfunding campaign in your store using the Booster – WooCommerce Crowdfunding plugin? Use this shortcode to show the deadline of your campaign on the crowdfunding product page to make your contributors act faster.

The [wcj_product_crowdfunding_deadline] shortcode will let you display the campaign deadline on your single product page with crowdfunding enabled and crowdfunding details specified in the Booster: Crowdfunding meta box.


You may use any of the Common Booster Attributes (all plugins) with this shortcode.

Possible Usage

  • Let your crowdfunding contributors know about the campaign deadline.
  • Encourage more contributors to make contributions.
  • Achive your crowdfunding goals faster by highlighting the deadline.

Input and Output Example

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar] #


To make your crowdfunding details drive more attention, you can display a progress bar that shows the progress of your campaign in terms of money-collection. Use the [wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar] to do so.

This shortcode will only work when the WooCommerce Crowdfunding Plugin is enabled for your store. It will work on the product pages that have crowdfunding details configured for them.

Possible Usage

  • Add visual effect to your crowdfunding campaign details to attract more contributors.
  • Show your campaigns progress in a simpler way with the progress bar.


You may use any Common Booster Shortcode attributes with it.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining] #


This shortcode displays the total remaining amount required to match the crowdfunding campaign goal. Once the WooCommerce Crowdfunding Plugin – Booster is installed on your store and you have configured your crowdfunding product page, this shortcode can be used.

Note: Use the shortcode wcj_product_crowdfunding_goal_remaining_progress_bar to show the same details in the progress bar format. 


  • before: To add a prefix
  • after: To add a suffix
  • location: To show the output to the users from one (or more) specific country 
  • visibility: To show the output to one or several user roles
  • wpml_language: To show the output for one or a few particular WPML languages
  • not_wpml_language: To hide the output for one or a few particular WPML languages

Read more about how to use these attributes – On this page.

Possible Usage

This shortcode can be used to display the total pending amount for the success of the crowdfunding campaign in a combination with an emotional message so that it could add more contributors for you.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining_progress_bar] #


This shortcode can be used to show the remaining time in the crowdfunding campaign. It shows the details about the time left in the form of a progress bar.


You can use any common attributes that work with the Booster for WooCommerce plugin. See the All Plugins section here.

When will this shortcode work?

  • When you have enabled the Crowdfunding Plugin in your store.
  • When you have created a crowdfunding product page by filling the details in Booster: Crowdfunding meta box.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_total_orders_items] #


This shortcode prints the total number of ordered items for a crowdfunding campaign. The output is a numeric value. As one order may request the purchase of multiple items, this value can be greater than the number of orders. However, if you want the total order count, please use the shortcode [wcj_product_total_orders] instead.


Any common shortcode attribute can be used with the [wcj_product_total_orders_items] shortcode.


Use the Booster – WooCommerce Crowdfunding plugin to activate a campaign before using this shortcode.

Possible Usage

  • You may display the total ordered items and your goal item orders to depict your crowdfunding progress.
  • Show total ordered items and encourage more contributors.

Input and Output #1

Input and Output #2

[wcj_product_total_orders_sum] #


The [wcj_product_total_orders_sum] displays the total sum that currently placed orders will add to the campaign’s progress. This amount will give contributors a rough idea about how much money is still required. However, it is not the total money collected, but some orders might be canceled.


  • offset: To let you add a starting sum offset. 
  • hide_currency: To let you show or hide the currency symbol. Its default value is NO.
  • Look at the list of other accepted attributes here.


Install and activate the Crowdfunding Plugin by Booster on your store. This shortcode will only work for the campaigns configured through this plugin.

Possible Usage

  • Show the tentative amount that will hopefully come to you (besides the collected money) and improve the transparency of your crowdfunding campaign.

Input and Output

[wcj_product_total_orders] #


Displays the total number of orders for your crowdfunding campaign, configured using the Crowdfunding Plugin. You must specify the crowdfunding goal, start date, and deadline to begin a crowdfunding campaign through any of your single product pages.


Possible Usage

  • Display the total orders placed in order to show the campaign’s progress;
  • Display the output as the total number of contributors on your crowdfunding product page in your WooCommerce store.

Input and Output #1

Input and Output #2

[wcj_product_crowdfunding_time_remaining] #


This shortcode outputs the total number of days remaining in reaching the crowdfunding campaign deadline. To use this shortcode on a single product page, your page must have the Booster: Crowdfunding meta box filled and saved. This meta box can be enabled using this Booster plugin.


All the common Booster attributes work with this shortcode.

Input and Output

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