
More Button Labels plugin for WooCommerce

1 min read

Overview #

Using the WooCommerce More Button Labels plugin, you can add a little personality to your site and your checkout.

It allows you to set customized labels for the Place Order button of your site.

Here are some suggestions for what you could change the text to – Continue, Pay, Pay now, Check out with PayPal, Proceed to payment, Complete order, I’m ready!, Take my money! And so on.

Enabling More Button Labels in WooCommerce #

To enable and use the More Button Labels plugin, you should first download and install Booster for WooCommerce.

  1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Booster > Button & Price Labels to look for the More Button Labels plugin and select Enable for this plugin.

2. Click Save Changes.

The WooCommerce More Button Labels plugin will be enabled for your site.

Customizing WooCommerce Place Order Button Label #

  1. Enter the text that you want to display on the Place Order button of the checkout page in the Text field.
  2. If you want the button text to be changed for all scenarios (e.g., when a payment gateway is not letting it change), check the box for the Override Default Text – Enable field.
  3. Click Save Changes. The button text will be customized.

Output #

A sample checkout page with the customized button label COMPLETE ORDER:

See the plugin settings for the above output here:

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