
Best Product Price For WooCommerce

7 min read

Overview #

When your WooCommerce store guarantees selling products at the best price, make sure that you live up to your buyers’ expectations. For example, if a customer finds another source selling the same product at a lower price and could prove the same, your store must let him prove his words and offer the same pricing for the product in question.

Wondering how to do it? The Best Price plugin in the Booster for WooCommerce Agency and Elite bundles can enable this functionality for your store. It lets you:

  • Enable the best price challenge link/button for single product pages
  • Enable the best price challenge link/button for archive pages, e.g. category pages
  • Adds a pop-up form, giving users a chance to justify their claim, upon the button/link click
  • Lets you include/exclude products and product categories from the best price guarantee
  • Allows you to modify price request approval/rejection email
  • Lets you select the Best Price History Meta Box Columns for admin emailer
  • Lets admin approve or reject price change requests from the product page (in the editor)

Using this feature in your online store, you can impress your buyers with the best price guarantee. Even when your claim is not correct, the buyer has a reason to question you, which in turn, results in engagement. If your business finds the claim worthy of attention, you can always approve the price change request and convert the claim to a sale with added trust.

Note: This plugin is not available for the Booster “Pro” plan users.

Prerequisites #

Your store must have the Booster for WooCommerce plugin installed and activated. Additionally, you should enable the best price plugin and configure it according to your requirements.

How to Enable the Best Price Plugin in Booster? #

  1. Log into your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Booster > Plugins page and navigate to the Prices & Currencies category.
  3. Select the Enable option for the Best Price plugin.
  4. Click on the Save Changes button.

Single Product Pages #

Enabling the best price plugin for the single product pages implies that your online store will display an option (button or link) to open a pop-up form and claim the best price (with proof). The option will be available on all product pages except for the one excluded from this setting.

To configure the best price guarantee functionality for your Single product pages, follow these steps:

  • Once the Best Price plugin is activated on your store, go to Booster > Plugins > Prices & Currencies > Best Price.
  • Scroll down to the Single Product Pages
  • Enable this feature using the Enable
  • Enter the Label to display to your buyers regarding the option for the best price claim.
  • Select the type of Best Price click-to-action element as a Link or Button.
  • If you want to modify the display style of this CTA, enter the custom CSS for the same in the CSS Style input field.
  • Select a Position where this button or link will be displayed on your product page. Your options are:
    • Before the Product Title
    • After the Product Title
    • Before the Product
    • After the Product
  • In case there are multiple elements hooked to the selected Position, you can assign a higher or lower Position Priority or order to your Best Price button/link to control its visibility on your product page.
  • Add products to include or exclude from the best price settings using the Products – Include or Products – Exclude
  • Add product categories to include or exclude from the best price settings using the Product Categories – Include or Product Categories – Exclude
  • Click on the Save Changes button to apply these changes.

Note: You can also edit details of the Form and Notice Options to change the pop-up form content. This pop-up form takes input regarding what is the product’s best price, which source is offering this price, etc. Scroll down to find how to do so.

Let’s say you enabled the following settings for the Single Product Pages in your store:

Here is how a product page will display the best price link:

Store Preview – Best Price Button on a Product Page #

Consider that you have enabled the best price button using the following settings:

The above setting will result in product pages similar to the one shown below:


Archives Product Pages #

The process to enable the Best Price Guarantee for the archive pages, e.g. a category or shop page, is very much similar to how we did it for the single product pages. However, the output scope of this setting differs.

You can enable links or buttons for your products on the archive pages, giving your buyers the option to submit the best price claim through a pop-up form from there only. The pop-up form’s contents can be modified using the settings in the Form and Notice Options section from the same plugin settings page.

To configure the best price feature for your archive product pages, consider these steps:

  • Go to Booster > Plugins > Prices & Currencies > Best Price.
  • Make sure that the Best Price plugin is active. If not, enable it first.
  • Navigate to the Archives Product Pages section and select Enable for the first checkbox.
  • Specify the Label
  • Choose between Link and Button as the Type of the Best Price CTA.
  • To edit the CSS for your button or link, enter the in-line stylesheet contents in the CSS Style input field.
  • Select a Position for the best price link/button from the following options:
    • Before the Product Title
    • After the Product Title
    • Before the Product
    • After the Product
  • Specify the Position Priority or order to place this CTA in your preferred position in case of multiple elements sitting in the position you’ve selected.
  • Add products or categories to include or exclude from the best price settings using the Products – IncludeProducts – ExcludeProduct Categories – Include, and Product Categories – Exclude
  • Click on the Save Changes

Form and Notice Options – Best Price Plugin #

This section comprises the options to specify or modify the content of the best price claim pop-up form and the notices/alerts being created in this regard.

  • Enter the Price Input label for the pop-up form. You can use the variable %currency_symbol% in this field.
  • You may specify the Price StepMinimum PriceMaximum Price, and/or Default Price values to give your users an idea of how much negotiation is allowed, even if they have a different best price source.

  • Enter the Website Input Label to ask your potential buyer about their source of the best price.

  • Specify the labels for the customer’s email, name, and message input fields.
  • Enter the label for the ‘send a copy to customer’s inbox’ checkbox option.

  • Specify the best price request pop-up form details, such as – Form header, form button label, form footer, customer notice, and the HTML for the required field (e.g. URL of the site offering the best price).

  • Click on the Save Changes

Store Preview – Best Price Claim Form #

Clicking the CTA element, i.e. the button or the link, will open a pop-up form for the buyer. The elements of this form can be modified using the option in the Forms and Notices section in the plugin dashboard.

Styling #

Use the options in the Styling Options section to control the Best Price request form design. You can specify the following details in this section:

  • Form’s width
  • Header Background Color
  • Header Text Color
  • Footer Background Color
  • Footer Text Color

Emails #

The Email Options section will format the contents of the e-mail that your store’s administration will receive upon the arrival of a Best Price Request from a store user.

You may specify/edit the contents of the Email Recipient, Email Subject, and Email Template fields while using the variables allowed in the respective fields.

Admin #

The Admin Options section has an option called Best Price History Meta Box Columns. For this option, you can select various product attributes.

Upon saving settings, the site administrator will be able to see the product details containing the values of selected attributes in the best price history meta-box. This implies that the admin will be able to make a better decision regarding the approval/rejection of the request – without visiting various pages in the store.

Reset Settings #

To reset the Best Price plugin’s setting in one click, scroll down to the plugin dashboard and click on the Reset Settings button. Doing so will trigger a browser pop-up (make sure that JavaScript is enabled), and select yes when it shows up.

Process Flow of Best Price Plugin [with Store Screenshots] #

Still not sure how it works? Go through the next few screenshots to understand the working of the Best Price plugin quickly. See it in action below:

Let’s say a customer clicks a link for the best price claim.

It will result in the opening of a pop-up form similar to the one shown below:

Frontend Best Price Request Form #

The admin will receive an email as well as an option to approve/reject the user’s request on the product page (in the editor mode)

Best Price Request Email Received by Site Admin when the customer sent a request #


Option to Approve or Reject User’s Request from the Product Page (Edit Mode) #

As per the action (approval/rejection of the request) taken by the site administration, an email is sent to the user. The email is forwarded to the e-mail ID/address shared while filling the best price request pop-up form.


  • If the best price claim is accepted, the buyer will receive an email, notifying the same. Additionally, the email will contain a coupon link to buy this product at the approved best price.
  • If the best price claim is rejected, the potential buyer will be notified about the same through an email.

Request Approval Email and Coupon #

Request Rejection Email #

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