
Home Forums Booster Plus Customer Forum pdf output issue

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  • #53838


    We have an issue with the PDF output. The following “Order Items Meta” (generated by the https://woocommerce.com/products/price-by-formula-calculator-for-woocommerce/ plugin):

    Item Key Item Meta Key Item Meta Value
    12329 formula_options_array {“barsize”:”Bar Size #4″,”lenghtft”:”5″,”lengthin”:”6″,”plugify_quantity”:”10″}

    12329 formula_results_array {“Price per Unit”:”$ 8.06″,”Total Price”:”$ 80.60″,”Discount per unit”:”$ 0.00″,”Discount total”:”$ 0.00″,”Discounted price per unit”:”$ 8.06″,”Discounted total price”:”$ 80.60″}

    12329 Additional Details

    We have the following PDF output code:

    [wcj_order_items_table table_class="pdf_invoice_items_table" add_variation_info_to_item_name="yes"
    columns="item_number|item_name|item_meta=formula_options_array|item_quantity|item_subtotal_tax_excl|line_subtotal_tax_excl" columns_titles="Item|Description|Size|Qty|Unit Price|Total" columns_styles="width:8%;|width:35%;|width:24%;|width:8%;|width:10%;|width:15%;text-align:right;"]

    Here is the issue – no matter what variation of what we use in this place: “item_meta=formula_options_array” (as in the example above), it will either output a ton of things or nothing; but not just the value we want (barsize, lenghtft, lengthin etc.) Like, if we only want to output the “barsize”; no variation we have tried will do this.

    Anyone have any suggestion, as this is a major issue for us and I guess we have gone blind on this!

    thanks in advance,

    David G

    Hi @Biornt,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    But sorry, this kind of options isn’t available in the plugin. We will check other customer requests and try to add this feature in our upcoming updates.

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