We have an issue with the PDF output. The following “Order Items Meta” (generated by the https://woocommerce.com/products/price-by-formula-calculator-for-woocommerce/ plugin):
Item Key Item Meta Key Item Meta Value
12329 formula_options_array {“barsize”:”Bar Size #4″,”lenghtft”:”5″,”lengthin”:”6″,”plugify_quantity”:”10″}
12329 formula_results_array {“Price per Unit”:”$ 8.06″,”Total Price”:”$ 80.60″,”Discount per unit”:”$ 0.00″,”Discount total”:”$ 0.00″,”Discounted price per unit”:”$ 8.06″,”Discounted total price”:”$ 80.60″}
12329 Additional Details
We have the following PDF output code:
[wcj_order_items_table table_class="pdf_invoice_items_table" add_variation_info_to_item_name="yes"
columns="item_number|item_name|item_meta=formula_options_array|item_quantity|item_subtotal_tax_excl|line_subtotal_tax_excl" columns_titles="Item|Description|Size|Qty|Unit Price|Total" columns_styles="width:8%;|width:35%;|width:24%;|width:8%;|width:10%;|width:15%;text-align:right;"]
Here is the issue – no matter what variation of what we use in this place: “item_meta=formula_options_array” (as in the example above), it will either output a ton of things or nothing; but not just the value we want (barsize, lenghtft, lengthin etc.) Like, if we only want to output the “barsize”; no variation we have tried will do this.
Anyone have any suggestion, as this is a major issue for us and I guess we have gone blind on this!
thanks in advance,