
As an online seller, you may want to add frequently bought together product recommendations on your WooCommerce store. This way, you can better showcase products that customers are likely going to purchase based on the product they’re looking at.

In this way, it’s a great way to sell more products and boost revenue for your business.

However, WooCommerce out of the box doesn’t have a built-in option that lets you add frequently bought together products to your online store.

A great way of doing this is by using the Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin. It lets you add frequently bought together on WooCommerce single product pages.

In this article, we’ll take a look at why you might want to add frequently bought together product recommendations to your single product pages using Booster Plus.

Why add frequently bought together recommendations in WooCommerce?

Adding frequently bought together recommendations in WooCommerce lets you offer customers products that usually go well with items the customers are interested in. In other words, it lets you recommend products based on items that most customers tend to buy together when shopping from your WooCommerce store.

Customers can also buy multiple products in one go with frequently bought together recommendations in WooCommerce. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Customers who buy shoes might also need socks and shoe polish to go with them.
  • People who buy a phone might also need a screen protector and a case to go with it.
  • People who purchase bread are also likely to buy eggs, butter, and sugar.

This way, you can offer multiple WooCommerce products to customers that complement their original purchase.

By adding frequently bought together recommendations in WooCommerce, you not only increase sales but also generate more revenue. This is a great way to cross-sell other WooCommerce products on your online store. Essentially, you’re able to draw more attention to products that would otherwise be overlooked by prospective customers. When you make it easier for customers to buy multiple products in one go, it can potentially increase the average order value of your WooCommerce store.

In addition to this, this can also be a great way to provide personalized offers for customers. This can help give your valued customers a better sense of exclusivity and help increase brand loyalty. It also provides a unique shopping experience for customers and helps your WooCommerce store stand out from the rest of the competition.

How to add frequently bought together in WooCommerce

Here, we’ll show you how to add frequently bought together in WooCommerce using Booster Plus’ WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together module. We’ll assume you already have a WordPress site set up along with some WooCommerce products.

Step #1: Enable the WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together module

Start by getting the Booster Plus for WooCommerce plugin and installing it on your WordPress website. Next, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Booster from the admin panel to access the different modules.

Enable frequently bought together product module

Here, you’ll see a list of different modules. Select the Frequently Bought Together module under the Cart & Checkout section. You can select the checkbox next to the module to enable it. Once you’re done, click the Save changes button at the bottom of your screen to continue.

Step #2: Configure plugin settings

Navigate to Booster → Cart & Checkout → Frequently Bought Together to access the module’s various settings.

Module settings page

Here you can set different settings for frequently bought together products in WooCommerce. Start by giving your frequently bought together recommendations a Title and tick the checkbox next to Global Products. This enables you to add the same WooCommerce frequently bought together products to all WooCommerce products on your store. You can specify the WooCommerce products by using the text field.

Next, select the Position option to After single product summary using the drop-down menu. This will display the frequently bought together suggestions after the product’s description section on WooCommerce single product pages. Once you’re ready, click the Save changes button to continue.

Frequently bought together product suggestions

In addition to this, you can also add frequently bought together recommendations to individual products on your WooCommerce store. This means that you can add each product’s own unique frequently bought together recommendations to specific products on your WooCommerce store.

To do this, head on over to the product’s edit page and select Yes from the drop-down menu next to Enable under the Booster: Frequently Bought Together meta box. Next, add your frequently bought together products in the text field next to Frequently Bought Together Products and click the Update button to save changes and continue.

Step #3: Preview

Here’s how frequently bought together recommendations in WooCommerce look on the front-end of your online store:

Frequently bought together preview


Adding frequently bought together in WooCommerce is a great way to boost sales and increase the average order value of your online store. It lets your customers see product suggestions based on items they’re already interested in. This helps customers buy multiple products that complement each other in one go.

The customers can add and remove products using checkboxes and add them all at once to their shopping cart. This speeds up user flows on the shop page and helps improve the user experience on your WooCommerce store.

Booster comes with over 110 modules that let you customize the look and feel of your WooCommerce store. It can help add additional functionality, customize the way your store looks, and helps enhance the shopping experience of your WooCommerce store.

Also, be sure to check out our 10 Ways to Increase Average Order Value With WooCommerce article for more ideas.

Ready to start adding frequently bought together suggestions in WooCommerce? Get Booster Plus today!

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