more sorting options


Give your customers more options for sorting your products – WooCommerce Sorting module adds additional sorting functionality to your WooCommerce store so your customers can find what they’re after, faster. You can customize the text in each of the fields, remove certain sorting options by simply deleting the text string, or even remove all sorting – including the WooCommerce default.

  • Add more sorting options:
    • “Sort by title: A to Z”
    • “Sort by title: Z to A”
    • “Sort by SKU: low to high”
    • “Sort by SKU: high to low”
    • “Sort by stock quantity: low to high”
    • “Sort by stock quantity: high to low”
  • Customize/change all texts.
  • Remove any sorting option.
  • Remove all sorting, including default.

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Accessible through:
  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Products > Sorting for WooCommerce
Tested on WooCommerce 9.4.1 and WordPress 6.7