WooCommerce Price Formats


If you are using multicurrency in your shop, you may want to display different format for prices in different currencies. For example, you may want to display US dollars with two decimals, and Japanese Yen with no decimals. You can achieve that by using Booster’s WooCommerce Price Formats module.

Woocommerce Price Formats1

Woocommerce Price Formats2

Price Formats Module Options

General Options

General options are applied to all price formats.

Trim Zeros in Prices
Trim zeros in prices.
Default: no

Price Formats by Currency (or WPML)

In this section you can set different price format for different currencies.

Price Formats by Currency (or WPML)
Enabled/disables section.
Default: yes
Total Number
Total number of different price formats.
Default: 1
Format #N: Currency
Default: US Dollars ($)
Format #N: Currency Position
Currency position.
Default: Left ($99.99)
Format #N: Thousand Separator
Thousand separator.
Default: ,
Format #N: Decimal Separator
Decimal separator.
Default: .
Format #N: Number of Decimals
Number of decimals.
Default: 2
Format #N: WPML Language Code
Option to set different price formats for different WPML languages. Can be comma separated list. Leave empty to disable.
Default: None
Accessible through:
  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Prices & Currencies > Price Formats for WooCommerce
Tested on WooCommerce 9.4.1 and WordPress 6.7