WooCommerce Checkout Customization


WooCommerce Checkout Customization module lets you customize WooCommerce checkout – hide “Order Again” button etc.


Checkout Customization


Restrict Billing Countries by Customer’s IP
This option will allow you to restrict billing countries by customer’s IP address.


Restrict Shipping Countries by Customer’s IP

Restrict By Customer’s Billing CountryThis option will allow you to restrict billing countries by customer’s billing countries.
<h3>”Create an account?” Checkbox Options</h3>


WooCommerce defaultThis option will show to you the default woocommerce setting if user need creat account checkbox enble or not .

Not checkedThis option uncheck the create account option from check out page. 

CheckedThis option check the create account option from check out page.This module will allow you to “Disable Fields on Checkout for Logged Users” and customize Order received messages.

Also, this module will allow you to enable recalculate the checkout option.

Accessible through:
  • WooCommerce > Settings > Booster > Cart & Checkout > Checkout Customization for WooCommerce
Tested on WooCommerce 9.4.1 and WordPress 6.7